Aleia’s pov

  I threw my head back and let out a loud laugh that reverberated to my ceiling, he was telling his story from his arrival to when he left and my favorite part was the one about the divorce.

  Did she really think she as going to get a dime of his money after what she did, even without signing the prenup, I would have contested. I have the money to hire the best kind of writers there is, there is absolutely no way in hell I am letting her roam around free with the money of the man she tried to kill.

  She must think I am joke.

  My father said she screamed that she was going to kill him, sorry Kira, no parole for you. You are going to rot in there till you learn your lesson.

  I haven’t told my father about the phone conversation between me and Diane.

  “I forgot to tell you, I called Diane.” I started,

  He paid attention to me, his curiosity getting the better part of him.

  “What did she say?” he asked,