Chapter 23

  Sold To A Gang Leader

  [He owns her]




  (Why are you avoiding me?)

  Shawna's POV

  I stayed inside my room thinking. Just thinking about anything until I heard a knock.

  "Who..who is it?" I asked staring at the door. The door opened and Luwis showed up.

  "What do you want?" I asked my eyes glittering.

  "Well, it's time for dinner. Just decided to get you myself" he said.

  " need to use the bathroom, you can leave. I'll join you and thanks" I said standing up on my feet.

  I got to the bathroom door and tried going in but turned to see him still standing there leaning on the door.

  I turned to ask him.

  "Aren't you leaving? You can leave, I'll join you guys."

  But instead he started approaching me. He got to where I stood and stopped.

  "Why do I have this feeling that you're actually avoiding me? Did I do anything wrong? Did he get mad at you too much? I thought we were friends" he cooed starring directly into my eyes.