Chapter 22

   It's been a week.

  A week since I found out that I had an uncle....

  An uncle whose disappearance probably have something to do with Hayden McAndrew

  Once again I was stuck in a dead end, I couldn't ask mom about the details, not after the way she reacted the last time. 

  Why did he suddenly disappear without a trace? 

  Why didn't they get the police involve? Instead they kept it a secret... 

  I would have to find a way to find out about it my self..

  The past week  has been pure hell for me , he didn't make any sexual assault on my body but his painful grips , shoving me around lockers and desk , tearing my assignments sheets and his crude words were still enough to make my life miserable

  I would always feel his gaze on me though, the intensity of it always made by blood run cold, I couldn't help but fear the cruel intentions behind those stormy green eyes .

  I kept my assignments on the  nightstand and switched off the lights .