Chapter 7 Confusing

  Sofia's P.O.V:

  Things happened so quickly that it's hard to believe. Yesterday I got bullied and today it turned out his father is my dad's best friend.

  I was heading toward my class with violet and Jennie. Jennie is excited that we could spend more time now. Violet was also happy. 

  We gossiped a lot, I completely ignored the fact that jack and his friends were also there. Violet seemed distracted.

  "What happened violet?"I asked

  "Uh, n-nothing"she said nervously.

  "Tell us violet." Jennie said sternly.

  "James is looking tensed , plus he has no girls with him today. So .. I-I was a l-it-tle worried" violet said while fiddling with her fingers nervously.

  "Y-o-ou L-Lo-ve him?" I asked, it came out of my stuttering because I was shocked.

  Violet didn't say anything ,but I could see tears in her eyes.

  I felt so bad for her.

  I hugged her , and Jennie rubbed her back. 

  She cried silently since there are so many people around us. 

  "He doesn't even like me, he hates me. He thinks I'm ugly and I'm characterless. He would never even like me. I'm such a fool to love him. I can't even stand the girls he hangs out with they are a thousand percent more beautiful than me. I'm worthless. " violet said in between her cries.

  "Shhhh, violet. It's nothing like that , come on look at me . You're not ugly at all. And you're not worthless. You're beautiful and you're the most cutest person ok? " I told her while wiping her tears. 

  "But he doesn't even like me. He always says that I'm ugly. I don't deserve to live happily . How can I be so foolish to love someone like him." She was about to cry again.

  "He's a fool to say that. You're very beautiful " I said.

  "Violet if he had thought that you are not beautiful he wouldn't have always come to you. He would've ignored you." Jennie said suddenly.

  " He just wants to hurt me because he hates me " violet said a little louder. 

  "He doesn't hate you violet , he's just confused about his feelings. He likes you and he hurts you because he thinks you're going to change him and if he gets feelings for you he'll be weak ." Jennie said without any confusion in her voice.

  "And how do you know that?" Violet asked and disbelieve was clear in her voice.

  "MAX told me " Jennie said .

  Me and violet we both were dumbfounded. Then Jennie continued

  "And before you two ask how do I know him , he's my friend and nothing else" her voice seemed pretty clear but it looked like she was hiding something.

  "Oh " it was all I could manage to say.

  "Maybe max lied to you Jennie , it's clear James doesn't even like me. " Violet said .. sadness was clear in her voice.

  "Max would never lie to me " Jennie said .

  I could see a little smile formed on violet's lips. But she quickly stopped it.

  "Aww, violet you can smile if you want to" I said pinching her cheeks. Violet blushed.

  "What should I do know ?" Violet asked while looking at both of us.

  " Just wait , until James confesses his feelings to you " Jennie said.

  "But I won't forgive him easily, he made me cry a lot " violet said pouting.

  She's so adorable.

  "Yes, just let him suffer a little". I said laughing.

  "But I'm too afraid to even talk to him" violet said .

  "It's normal to feel that. Because he Indeed made a mistake by treating you like that." Jennie said .

  "But be strong and confront him when he'll come to you " I said.

  "Ok" violet said.

  Then the class was over. We attended another class together and then another one. Now it was time to get separated. We all headed to different classes.

  As soon as I entered the class my eyes met with Jack's one. I quickly broke eye contact. And tried to take a seat away from him. But suddenly he said 

  "Sit beside me Sofia " the whole class was silent. And his voice seemed dangerous.

  Oh god save me from this monster.

  I don't want to make him angry so I slowly took a seat beside him. He pulled my chair closer suddenly. And I fell on his arms. He removed a hair strand from my face and tucked it behind my ear and said coming closer to my ear.

  "Hello, beautiful ." I shivered in his arms. 

  He then brought his face closer to mine and his nose was touching mine and his lips were almost brushing my lips. 

  "You're looking beautiful in red " he said. His warm breath touched my face. I tried to move away from his hold but he held me tighter this time. 

  "No, thank you? " He asked raising an eyebrow. He had a little smile on his lip.

  I must say thank you to him , otherwise he won't leave me . And I could already feel many girl's burning gaze on me. I'm sure they are jealous.

  " T-thank y-you " I managed to say.

  Then he loosened his grip and I moved away from his arms. The teacher came , Jack kept looking at me during the whole class or removing a hair strand from my face or brushing his fingers on my cheek.

  The teacher looked at us a few time . And I was beyond embarrassed. I think my cheeks colour would be the same as my dress by the time now.

  Then the class was over, and I proceed to leave. 

  " Where are you going " he asked loudly

  making me flinch.

  "To the next class " I replied while looking at my feet.

  "We'll go together," he said while he pulled closed to me and placed his hand on my waist. 

  " B-but .." I tried to protest but he cut me off by glaring at me.

  I had nothing to say . So I decided to go with him. He led me to the classroom.

  I saw some people were looking at us and some were whispering.

  As soon as we entered the classroom, a girl with red hair came running to us and hugged jack tightly. Jack just let go of my waist and she kissed jack on the lips, he kissed back. 

  I felt hurt. Why the heck I'm feeling like this. No, I shouldn't feel hurt. He can't have this affect me.

  "Who's this , baby ?" The red-headed slut asked looking at me with disgust.

  "She's no one darling, just a piece of trash," he said laughing. And she started laughing after hearing him insulting me. I heard some more people were laughing and some looked at me with sympathy.

  I felt so humiliated that it was enough for me to handle. Tears were threatening to fall from my eyes. How can he even say something like that?

  "Ewww, look at her outfit, so cheap," the red-headed slut said while touching the ruffles of my dress.

  " You know what Stephany, she's cheaper than her outfit ." He smirked.

  Was he really serious? A few minutes ago he was complimenting me and now he is insulting me Infront of the whole class. 

  That was it. I couldn't handle it anymore. What's really wrong with him. He just insulted me because of his so-called girlfriend. 

  I couldn't stop my tears. What the hell have I done to make him hate me this much. 

  "Awww, why are you crying cheap ?" The slut came to touch my face with a mocking expression. I moved away from her. 

  I didn't want to look at jack anymore. I ran away from that place crying just as I did on the first day. 

  I went to the bathroom. And my crying was out of my own control. I can't handle this anymore. 

  "What should I do ." I was shaking because of my extreme sobbing. I looked and saw my bag I got my phone out and tried to text Jennie but because I was shaking extremely that I couldn't even do that . My phone just falls on the floor and it was switched off. 

  I picked it up , and tried to open it. But it wasn't opening.

  "Oh god! Please please please" I was praying that it'll open. And God listened to my prayer. It was opened.

  I didn't risk texting this time , I called Jennie and she picked up .

  "Where are you Sofia ? I was looking for .."

  She was about to ask me but hearing my sob she stopped.

  "What happened Sofia?" She asked panicked.

  "Bathroom" was all I could manage to say. I was feeling extremely weak.

  "I'm coming ,Sofia. Hang on." Jennie said . Worry was clear in her voice.