Chapter 17 Dumbfounded

  Sofia P.O.V:

  I woke and felt a heavyweight on me. I tried to move but couldn't.

  Then I looked down at my body and saw the most beautiful face in the world.

  Jack was sleeping peacefully on my chest. He was literally on me.

  But I didn't want to disturb him. He looked so peaceful while sleeping.

  I started playing with his silky hair. I couldn't control the temptation.

  I kissed his forehead and he moved a little in sleep. 

  I've to wake him up, I need to change and go into my room before anyone sees us.

  I patted him on the shoulder softly .

  "Jack" I called him softly.

  Instead of responding he held me more tightly. 

  "Jack, I need to go to my room. " I said a little louder.

  "No ." He yawned while snuggling more into my chest. 

  His breath warm breath was touching my skin. Since his tee was way too big , It was showing a bit of my chest.