Chapter 27 Dance

  Sofia's P.O.V: 

  "Are you ready my love?" Jack asked me.

  "Always" I said.

  And the music started. 

  It was "I don't care" by ed Sheeran. 

  They indeed chose a piece of great music. 

  The lights dimmed. Soft light on the stage making us visible to the people.

  The music started and I looked Jack in the eyes. I felt like everything around me was gone. It was only him and me.

  This may sound dramatic to others but this is what I Exactly felt at that moment.

  I felt like the whole world mattered nothing to me. Everything that mattered is the person in front of me.

  I can sacrifice my whole life for him. 

  I was so lost in his eyes I didn't realize we were already dancing.

  "Don't think we fit at this party." Jack sang along with the song.

  "Everyone's got so much to say" I sang.

  "I always feel like I'm nobody" he sang.

  "But now I think that we should stay." He sang and pulled me close to him.