Chapter 58 Coffee

  Sofia's P.O.V: 

  "It's so good, baby." Jack grabbed another cookie.

  "Thank you." I thanked him.

  I missed him so much these 3days.

  Seeing him Infront of me was so peaceful to me.

  I could watch him all day long.

  I need to teach that Alice a lesson. She needs to learn a lesson for what she did.

  She almost ruined everything.

  Because of her, Jack was hurt and now she's trying to come back again in his life.

  I won't let her plan succeed again.

  "You can stare at him later Buttercup. Calm down." Peter said making Everyone laugh and breaking me out of my thoughts.

  I quickly looked at the other side.

  "Shut up Peter." I glared at him.

  He never fails to embarrass me.

  "Aww, red cheeks." Jennie pinched my Cheek and I slapped her hands away.

  " Okay, y'all don't tease her." Isabella aunty chuckled.

  "And you can stare at me as long as you want. After all, I'm all yours. " Jack said and pulled me close to him.