Chapter 6

  "What do you want" I asked and as usual he smirked. "You" he said and I rolled my eyes.

  "In your dreams" I said and picked up my bag. I would go wait for Luca at some other place I thought standing up to leave and he held my arm.

  "Enjoyed the washroom show? I could make you scream like her you know" he said with his signature smirk.

  I quickly snatched my hands from him.

  "Go make your mother scream" I said and his gaze darkened.

  He raised his hands to hit me and I closed my eyes waiting for the pain to strike. feeling nothing after a while, I opened my eyes to see he had left.

  I breathe out and in relief and just then Luca walked into the class.

  "Did you wait for long" he asked and I shook my head.

  "No, I got engrossed in a book" I said and he smiled.

  "Can I see the book? he said and I nodded and brought out the book showing it to him.

  "Master Damien sex-slave" he read out raising his brows.

  "This is an x-rated story" he said and I nodded.