Chapter 42

  I got to the dinning room, expecting Mum Emily to ask me why I wasted time in calling Jayden but she didn't, Jayden must have handled it.

  I filled my plate with food on Mum Emily's order, I wouldn't let what happened few minutes ago stop me from eating the delicious delicacy I've been salivating of.

  I could feel Jayden's burning gaze boring holes on my skin, I was sitting three seats opposite him, I ignore him and ate my food as though he doesn't exist.

  I ate to my full, stood up and greeted them then packed the plate to the kitchen since everyone was already done.

  I started washing the plates and few minutes into it, a hand wrapped around my waist making me jerk and the cup I was holding slipped out of my hands and shattered.

  I looked back to see it was Jayden who startled me, I shot him an annoying glare and quickly bent down to pick the shattered glass.