Chapter 55

  ***LISA'S POV***

  I was still wondering what that b*tch of a girl was doing in my man's house as I saw her climbing down the stairs and sitting at the chair when the Alpha gave me the shock of my life by mentioning her to be Jayden's mate and the future Luna of Darkmoon's pack.

  "What!!!!!? I shrieked internally my eyes shooting out and she rolled her eyes at me as my eyes went to hers.

  "What the fvck is going on Jayden?" I asked him as soon as I got outside the compound and met him getting out of his car.

  "What was going on?" He asked raising his brows and I rolled my eyes.

  " What do you mean by what was going on Jayden? What was that your parents was saying and what was that b*tch doing here?" I asked and his gaze darkened as he stepped closer to me.