Chapter 63


  I sat in my car watching Jayden and Rhoda come out of his plaza with lots of bags which I believe was for her.

  I am supposed to be the one enjoying all his wealth and not that slimy b*tch who wants to reap where she did not sow but soon, I'll show her that she can't appear from nowhere to snatch what belongs to me.

  I stare at the white bugatti till it vanished from my sight. "Take me home" I said to my driver. "But ma'am you were supposed to shop here" he replied annoying me.

  "Are you out of your mind? I said take me out of here you idiot" I shrieked.

  "Yes ma'am, I'm on it" he muttered and quickly reversed and drove off.

  I got out of the car when we got home and slammed the door hard then stomped into the house.

  "What the hell?" I screamed as my body got drenched in water. I looked up to see one of the maid standing before me shivering while holding an empty glass.

  "What just happened" I screamed and smelled my hands to see it reeks of juice.