Chapter 78

  (WARNING: Explicit words and 'scene') "Aaahhhhhhh!!!!"

  The sound of expensive perfume bottles falling and breaking on the floor messed up the whole atmosphere inside Julie Tan's bedroom.

  The content of the perfume mixed in the air and their musks is just too strong that the already raging Julie felt suffocated.

  "Damn you! Damn you Veronica Wang!!!"

  Continued her wild, angry cries as she turned to her bed and expressed her raging by pounding on her soft foam and as if unsatisfied, moved to scratch and pull the beddings!

  This is the real Julie Tan.

  A volatile, wild, and ruthless young woman hiding from a sweet, gentle and gracious facade.

  After an hour, all her hatred filled emotions were finally released and she moved to sit on her bed and gently pulled the pillow she was pounding on earlier and caressed it gently. With the softest of voice, the very opposite of her witch screaming earlier, started,

  "Oh Rawlf".

  Then she heaved a deep breath.