Seeing that Veronica was fighting her exhaustion because of anxiety for their children and family's safety, Rawlf brought her first to a sleeping quarter assuring her that everything is under control.
He didn't leave until he saw that Veronica fell asleep.
He changed first from another set of clothes before going to talk to Vlad, his most trusted man in the Persian force who at the same time managed the team. Vlad is a very serious man however, he has the habit of wearing butler suits.
Other people who just met him would think he is just a butler and not the second in command of the vagabond Persian force.
Entering the conference room and seeing Vlad already seated inside, Rawlf fired the question right away.
He knew that Veronica had the right to know everything; however, Rawlf would at least want to filter the information first.
"What's the real status?"
"Everything is truly under control , however, Sir Bien, the madam's uncle…. We lost track of