The sweetness of the two was astonishing when everyone was still eating.
"Oh my Goshh! Maybe we'll get a rash tomorrow," Jem murmured, tickled.
Weng was taken aback and questioned, "What? Why are you allergic to foods?"
"Then why are you there? There's no alcohol, so what are you doing?"
He pointed at Ashy and Storm at the same time. They just grinned at what he said at the same time.
Because of what it said, make everyone laugh.
The noise in the kitchen didn't stop, so they didn't finish putting their food away until it was night. While the others went for a walk, Storm and Ashy remained on board because Ashy was feeling a little under the weather, so Storm simply accompanied her.
While lying down, the two were conversing. That's exactly what they're talking about. Storm took Ashy's hand in his...
He stood up and sat down so he could face the situation properly.
""I hope you keep on no matter how difficult it is for people who come to us," Storm remarked as she held Ashy's two hands.
"Promise! I will be strong," Ashy said, raising her right hand in the air as a sign of her commitment.
They were taken aback by what transpired next. Their lips gradually applied as a result of their love for each other, until they kissed each other more and more.
At the time, Ashy's only words were "Storm..." and "Storm...".
"I love you so much, Ash," he said, his lips bursting with kisses as if they were giddy for each other. Storm's hands also traveled from Ashy's face until they reached Ashy's two aching breasts, which caused her to gasp.
"Storm ..." Ashy said as she closed her eyes and seemed to be saying 'don't stop what she's doing.
Storm muttered to her, almost out of breath, "I'll stand by it all." Ashy's body continued to tremble from the unusual feelings she was experiencing as a result of Storm's actions. He kissed her entire body, from her lips to her chest, while one of his hands roamed all over her body, and when Storm arrived at her femininity, it was simply fatigued from what it had been doing. It moved up again, bringing them back to party.
"Don't worry, Ashy... I'll be gentle," he assured her, kissing her on the lips.
Ashy sensed a hardness that contrasted with her femininity. Until Storm penetrates it gradually, in excruciating anguish, pain combined with love and affection so as not to harm her. Until it finally sinks in. She would have shouted if it had entered her womanhood, but with a kiss, she stopped it till they both reached heaven. When Storm noticed the blood smear on the bedsheet, they rushed to get themselves together before their companions came. It was quickly superseded by Ashy.
Dun discovers that he is truly Ashy's first.
"I adore you, Ash," he says, kissing het forehead as a gesture of his admiration for her.
Days and months had gone since whatever had occurred to them, and they had grown to love and value each other even more, with Storm demonstrating how much he would value all that had happened to them, as well as Ashy.
Storm invites Ashy to introduce her to his parents one day before the semester ends and everyone goes on vacation.
"Ash... let's go, Mom and Dad were here now. You're welcome so I can introduce you to them. I want them to meet their future daughter-in-law," he told her
"Storm," she whispered as she took his hand in her. "You know, I really want to meet them too," she said, "but don't they know you have a girlfriend?" "It seems ugly if you introduce me to them," she said, despite the fact that she was telling the truth.
"All well, I'll take care of everything first," he promised, "but once the promise is good, I'll present you to them."
She only responded with a nod.
Storm escorted Ashy to the boat before returning home, and they didn't see each other for another week. Simply call them first so that they may speak with each other. They don't mind because they're like this every weekend. They both expressed how much they will miss each other. Every day, they spend time on their cellphones. Even when they are busy, they remember to keep each other informed. They always set up like that after four days. On Friday, Ashy awoke without receiving a single message from Storm, but when she did, she was greeted with a morning message. But there was nothing that day, so he assumed it was just busy, or that it was too late, or that there was no load. As a result, he was the first to send it a message.
Still no message from Storm after one, two, three, four, and five hours. She attempted to call it as well. Even though it's merely a ring, no one answers. She started to wonder, but she ignored it because maybe he had just left for something important or was in the middle of something else.
She went a day without receiving any messages from Storm. She is quite perplexed at this point. She began asking his friend Mark questions, but he didn't appear to notice until yesterday.
She was already apprehensive. She didn't have anyone else nearby to ask, so she had to figure it out on her own. She even considered losing his smartphone, but why was his number still ringing if he had misplaced it? Why did he change the phone number if it was stolen? She was even more perplexed as to what had actually occurred here. She was unable to sleep. She was in a bad mood. Se can't go because she doesn't know where it is, and she can't just leave because she doesn't know where it is.
It wasn't until the holidays were over that she realized what was going on. Everyone should be on board by Monday. Everything you need is already present. With the exception of Storm. She is very concerned. That is, until one day...