Chapter 7 A TALK

  She took a seat on the edge of her bed and began crying. Out of extreme embarrassment, she couldn't even look at her pal. Jem stood in front of her, undecided as to whether she should console her friend or reprimand her for what she had discovered. But who is she to judged her friend? She's just han and she did something wrong.

  Jem stepped up between them and said, "Ash..."

  "I'll understand if you criticize me, Jem,  I know it was wrong of me to cut Storm despite the fact that he already has a girlfriend. You know hpw much I hate being an option. But look at me now? I just did it and now hurting myself." she cried.

  "Ash.. Isn't it true that no one knows she'll have a girlfriend? As a result, it's not your fault. "You're just a victim here," Jem says, comforting her.