Chapter 52 MOVIBG ON

  Ashy almost fell when she stepped on the stairs to go up to her room.

  Just good thing that there's a strong body caught up with her.

  She didn't bother to look at him anymore. She closed her eyes and just let the buzz carry her and enter her room.

  When she landed, she howled... she felt the pain in her head.

  When she opened her eyes, she saw Storm's face.

  "Don't cry, I'm already here. You won't be hurt again."  She can feel he'swiping away the tears in her eyes. 

  Slowly, his face dropped and he kissed her. She gave up because that was also what her heart wanted.

  "Storm, I love you so much. I love no one but you," she whispered softly, as Storm was busy kissing her whole body.

  He  returned to her face and kissed her again in a whisper.

  "I love you so much, Ashy. I will never let us be separated again. I will fight you no matter what happens. I will never let you go." he replied softly.