"Rae is the daughter of Avonmora and the Demon King." Lillian said again and made a gesture with her index finger and Rae floated from her seat to her fast
As soon as Rae reached her, Lillian removed the hidden spell ball she had placed in her, which came out from Rae's neck.
Everything was happening so fast for Rae that she didn't have the time to stop her grandmother from removing the hidden spell tiny ball.
The transformation was a very quick one. As Rae changed into her mermaid form. Her feet transformed into her rainbow tail, she fell down to the ground since her tail couldn't carry her body like her human legs does.
Jason was suddenly in front of her, catching her before her body made impact with the ground.
Trying to use his body to hide Rae's mermaid form from the onlookers he turned angrily at Lillian.
His white eyes changing completely to his Wolf, one red and the other one midnight black.