Jorkallun Journey
Jorkallun walked on until he was out of the Sea, once his feet touches the empty ground on the other side, the Same which Sea was divided came together.
Continuing with his journey, until he came to a dead end. No path lay ahead of him, just an end dead covered in thick tall brick wall that seem to have no end.
Quickly changing into his dragon form, he flew ahead but the more he flew higher, the more the wall continue rising. He was right, the wall seem to have no end. The only way now, is to find a path that leads to the other side of the wall. He flew down and changed to his human form before landing.
The wall might have a secret passway or spells or a riddle for him to get access to the other side.
Looking around him to see if there are any hidden path around, but there were none.
What is he going to do now?