Chapter 2

  Kel's POV

  The only thing I remembered was the voice, tiny, soft, smooth and sweet, the type that could damage a person's brain. She has gotten rid of her glasses for contacts and wasn't fat anymore. She had a slim sexy figure enunciating her curves in the short skirt she was wearing with a white off the shoulder top. Her hair was in a professional-looking bun. She was beautiful and sexy but I'm not interested in her body or anything that had to do with her. Looks can be deceiving. She looked so innocent but there was nothing innocent about her. I've learned my lesson already, I wasn't prepared for her to teach me another.

  Memories that I had a long time buried came up. She was the only girl I've ever loved and my experience with her made me decide not to love anyone again. She played the innocent girl so well I fell for it. She was just like every other girl I know, having the mind of a devil and yet acting like an angel. That was the worst type of girl to date.

  I decided not to think about her. Our relationship will be strictly professional from now on.

  I started going through Mr Anderson's file. He had a project for us at his new hotel. I've always had a knack for architecture, and I think it'd be easy running my father's company. Aside from my father's company I have a hotel which I'm running efficiently although I'm busy now. I like the way my life is right now and I know I've worked hard for the position I'm in now.

  I called my assistant so we can look at the project together. Tomorrow we'd both go see the location.

  "You called for me sir", she walked in after knocking looking anywhere but my face.

  "Yes, I want you to prepare the employees for a meeting with me by three. You and I will be going somewhere tomorrow you'd need to be here early. I'd also like coffee, just plain on my table every morning. I hope I've made myself clear on that" I asked harshly.

  "Yes sir" she replied.

  "You may leave my office" I harshly dismissed. Her presence was the last thing I wanted.

  She quickly left the office, closing the door behind her. With all the disdain I feel towards her, seeing her every day will be a real test for me. There is no way I'll be able to hide my disgust and irritation every time she's around. Looking at her is just a reminder of what she is, a cheat, liar, slut and a gold digger all in one person. I seriously don't get what I saw in her.

  It was time for the meeting already. A brief meeting where I'd introduce myself.

  While standing in front of them I could notice some ladies checking me out. There were also whispers and murmurs everywhere that pissed me off. Didn't they know to keep quiet in the presence of their boss?

  "Everybody quiet", I commanded, earning an erring silence.

  "You all must be wondering why I called this meeting but that doesn't call for all the noise. I want total respect and demand for nothing less. I won't take such behaviour again" I threatened coldly.

  "I am Kelvin Adrios as some of you know, and I am now the CEO of Adrios corporation"

  "Welcome Sir" numerous voices chorused.

  "Adrios is known for its outstanding building and properties and I'd like for that to continue. Everyone is expected to put in their all for every project we handle, and I will tolerate nothing but hard work" I stated firmly.

  There were a series of "okay" and "yes sir"

  I couldn't take my eyes off her in the crowd, for some reason my gaze was fixed on her. She looked lost and wasn't responding to anything that was happening in the room.

  "Miss West" all eyes were fixed on her now.

  "Yes sir?"

  "It seems your mind is far away from this meeting. Perhaps you feel what I'm saying does not demand your attention"

  "Not at all sir", she answered slowly.

  "Good. So what have I been saying all this time?" I questioned.

  "Umm..... You started by silencing the room, then you introduced yourself and you let us know your expectations for the upcoming projects, emphasising that you want nothing but hard work"

  I was impressed that she could reply, but at the same time angry. This was the perfect time to humiliate her, but she wriggled herself out of it.

  "I want everyone's attention when I'm addressing you" I coldly demanded.

  I continued the meeting going on and on about the things I wanted in the company and the things I wouldn't tolerate. By the time I was done I'm sure I instilled fear, respect and obedience in all of them. I made it clear I wouldn't hesitate to fire anyone I thought incapable no matter who the person happens to be.



  My heart was pounding in my chest loudly, it was him, standing in front of me after five years. Kel Adrios. All my anger and hatred towards him came back in full force.

  "My office now!" He shouted, walking to his office not sparing me a glance.

  I followed him closely to his office. Is he going to fire me? Does he even remember me?

  We got to his office and I stood while he sat. He was tall and fit so well in his custom charcoal grey suit.

  Kelvin Adrios, son of Michael Adrios, why didn't I realize that? When I met him he wasn't answering Adrios. He was well known in the business world has even won a billionaire of the year. He was a shameless playboy who broke every girl's heart, he wasn't even capable of love.

  He watched me intently with eyes so brown it reminded me of chocolates and I love chocolate but his eyes didn't hold any appealing glow, instead, it showed how angry he was.

  "Where the hell have you been? You were supposed to be here an hour ago," he shouted angrily.

  "I'm sorry sir, I missed the first bus and there was traffic," I replied a little bit nervous

  "Well, I don't care about your excuse. I don't stand tardiness and I require that you be punctual. The next time you're late, you're fired." he said harshly, in the coldest way.

  I didn't say anything and just nodded. "Have I made myself clear?" He continued.

  "Yes sir." I firmly replied.

  "I want all the files on the deal with Mr Anderson on my table right away," he ordered.

  What the hell is wrong with him? I'm mad at him too, I hate him. But I'm not showing that, much less him who has nothing reasonable against me?

  "Here you go, Sir." I got the file placing it on his table.

  "You may get out of my office now." he coldly dismissed with a wave of his hands nonchalantly.

  Like I wanted to stay in his office a second longer.

  I walked out of his office and when I sat down I let out a sigh, I didn't even notice I was holding my breath. I don't think I'm going to like working for him at all.

  Seeing him now brought back memories I had long buried, memories that were now coming out of the rug I swept them under. We're not supposed to meet again that's why I moved far away from him, but fate decided to take matters into its hands.

  All the anger and hatred I have for him was coming back rapidly. I remembered every single thing he did to me, every word he said.

  He called for me and I had to go to his office, I knocked before entering. "You called for me sir."

  I don't want to look at his face because I was once deceived by his looks and I was so angry at myself for that.

  "Yes," he answered. "I want you to prepare the employees for a meeting with three. You and I will be going somewhere tomorrow and you need to be here early. I'd also like coffee, just plain, on my table first thing every morning. I hope I've made myself clear on that?" he asked, his deep voice sending chills down my spine.

  I didn't expect him to be friendly towards me considering how our last meeting went.

  "Yes sir," I replied, he just passed me simple information yet he spoke so harshly as if I had committed an offence, I don't even want to imagine what would happen if I did something wrong.

  "You may leave my office." he harshly dismissed, like my presence was the last thing he needs.

  Well, I hated being in his presence too, I hated the fact that we had a past and what's worse I hate that he's my boss. Oh, how I wish the situation was reversed.

  I left his office quickly, not wanting to be in the same room with him a second longer.