Chapter 57

  I was so nervous, we were appearing on Annie Deserati's show again to confirm the claims. Kel said it was what was best to do. I don't have a problem with confirming it, he could have posted it on social media or better still leave it all to die down until much bigger news comes up but he said we had to do it for Evie. Evie being inquisitive has been asking us about some of the things she heard from his mom. She has been asking if we loved each other when we got married and if our marriage was fake. I'm sure she knows it is since she remembered how we were when she first came so we had to explain our relationship and marriage to her, it was hard for her to understand at first but the point is she understands that we love each other now although it wasn't so apparent in the beginning.

  "I'm so nervous." I inhaled and exhaled.

  "There's no need for you to be baby, if it helps I'd do most of the talking," Kel reassured kissing my cheeks and I smiled.