Chapter 1

  “Congratulations, Attorney Galvez.” I smiled at att Raegan Ignacio. He's one of our contract lawyers here. " You're really a highly skilled lawyer who knows how to make an evidence suppressed in court. You really amazes me."

  “Thank you, Attorney.” I replied. He was also present in the court earlier to watch the final trial of my client. I just got my client acquitted, and by that, I had to overwork myself preparing for trials and cross examinations, motions and too much stress.

  Dang, I feel so tired. I just want to go home to my son so I excused myself politely for I still have personal things to do.

  When I got into my old SUV in the parking area, I immediately dialed Yana’ s number.

  “Ciao!” she greeted lively. “ So how did the trial goes? did you won? Tell me you did!”

  I smiled. “ I did..”

  “Gosh! You haven’ t lose a trial before! I’ m so proud of you!”

  I felt my heart flattered hearing her voice. She’ s been my best friend since then. Though I’ m six years older than her, we became really close because I was her tutor in political science when I was in law school.

  “Thanks, how are you?” I asked. She’ s now in Palawan and I haven’ t seen her for two years because her parents prohibits her from leaving there.

  “I am very fine, Celine. Aries is taking care of me so you don’ t have to worry.

  Worry about the father of your son who doesn’ t have any idea that you had a child!” She laughed as if she’ s finding it funny. W ell, it somewhat turns out like that.

  We talked for some minutes while I drive my way home. We are now staying here at La Cuevas with my son, Cohen. He’ s in the apartment that I rented and we’ ve been staying there for eight months already.

  I decided to move here with my son because he’ s been bugging me about his father. I actually considered telling him that his father’ s dead, but my conscience won’ t allow it. Now, we’ re here waiting for a good time to introduce them to each other.

  I’ m sure he’ s now a successfull surgeon. He’ s always been on the top of his class back then. He can even outstand anyone in medschool without even trying. He’ s just so good at everything.

  I heard my phone rang again so I reached for it quickly. I saw Kyo’ s name on the screen. He’ s a college student and the only one I trust here with my son. He takes care of Cohen when I’ m not around, and I pay half of his school expenses in return. He lives next door alone to our home.

  “Celine! Where are you? Something bad happened to Cohen!” I heard his voice shaking on the other line. I automatically felt shivers all around my body. My grip on the steering wheel tightened as I started to panic.

  “W- What What happened to Cohen?! Kyo, what happened to my son?!” I exclaimed looking at the hanged rosary on my rearview mirror. God, I have a bad feeling about this.

  “He was shot! Cohen was shot!- - ” I suddenly lost it. I mindlessly stepped on the break and my head banged on the steering wheel.

  “Ah.. shit,” I felt pain all over my head. My temples are throbbing and my heart’ s about to explode from too much fear.

  “- - where here at the LCDH.. Celine? Celine what happened?!”

  I heard the beeping sound of the cars behind me. Thankfully I’ m still conscious and nothing worst happened to me, except from blood running out of my forehead, I don’ t care. My son was fucking shot. Oh God, Cohen!