Chapter 10

  I clenched my jaw. “ We’ re not allowed to disclose such information, sir.” He just raised a brow and nodded slowly while crossing his arms over his chest.

  “I’ ll just wait then.” he said and resumed his reading. Seriously, what’ s wrong with him? I wanted to ask him why he's bugging me, but I can't stay any longer on his table because of the orders so I just left him there. I bet he wouldn’ t be able to wait until 12 midnight.

  He didn’ t bug me throughout my shift, and just studied there like a normal student. The customers flocked here looking for him. The girls were obviously staring at him but he just ignored everyone as if he’ s used to it.

  I also can’ t help to glance at him from time to time knowing that he’ s waiting for me. He just don’ t look like the same jerk that I’ ve encountered many times. I also noticed that he looks well educated and hot while seriously studying with his glasses on.

  I automatically shook my head. What? Hot?! My foot! I went to the locker room right after I pulled off. It’ s already 12:7 and my shift is done. Holding my sling bag, I went out of the room and saw Lorenzo still reading.

  I stood beside his table and he instantly looked up to me then to his luxury watch. “ Eight to twelve, I see.” I rolled my eyes at him. He closed his book and intertwined his fingers on the table.

  “You should go home now.” I said and walked pass through him, but I suddenly stopped when he held my wrist to stop me. My eyes went down to his hand and felt a strange thing flowing from there.

  “I didn’ t wait for hours just to be shoved.” He said seriously.

  I immediately withdraw my hand and glared at him. I somehow felt guilty for making him wait, but that’ s not my fault, right? He was the one who insisted!

  At the end, I just sighed and walked to the chair in front of him. I sat there and crossed my arms over my chest.

  “Do you want anything?” He asked.

  “Just go straight to your point. I’ m tired.”

  He nodded and crossed his arms over his chest too. We look like we’ re about to argue. Tss.

  “I’ d like to apologize about earlier. We made you uncomfortable inside the elevator.”

  I inhaled deeply and transfixed my gaze somewhere.

  Really? He’ s bringing that up now? That’ s the reason why he fetched me? I was trying hard to forget it!

  “It’ s fine. I wasn’ t really uncomfortable back there. I don’ t mind hearing her moan and that erotic sound you made with your finger inside her skirt. It’ s fine, really.” Note the sarcasm.

  He stared at me and blinked several times before I saw a ghost of amusement on his dark brooding eyes. Is that possible? I mean, he looks scary but something in his expression tells me that he’ s enjoying this. Am I seeing it right?

  “I’ m sorry for that.” He repeated smirking.

  “If you’ re really sorry, then try reminding yourself that there are things that’ s better to be done in private.” I answered.

  He just nodded lazily and stared at my lips. “ Go talk.” He then said with his husky voice.

  “What?” my forehead creased. “ Just talk.”


  He pursed and licked his lower lip. “ I like to see your lips moving.”

  I opened my lips to utter a word but I found myself biting my lips in embarrassment. Why does he always make me uncomfortable?!

  “Hmm, better.” He smirked and I parted my lips open in shock. “ You pervert.” I whispered.

  He raised a brow, “ I didn’ t do anything.” He defended. “ How old are you, by the way?”

  I glared at him. “ W hy are you asking?”

  “I’ m 26.” He answered his own question. “ Tell me, Celine, are you a virgin?”

  I stilled and blinked several times I hang my mouth open in shock. I was processing what he just said, but it’ s just so stupid! Is he serious?! W hat if someone heard him?! I turn my eyes around the place to see if anyone’ s near our table.

  “You’ re blushing.”he teased.

  I shook my head successively. I can feel the heat rising in my face and I don’ t know how to stop it.

  “You know what? I don’ t even know why I agreed to talk to you. Suit your self, jerk.” I said and left him on his table, chuckling.

  I thought he’ s apologizing? Does he thought every girls are the same as his whores?! I can’ t believe him!