Chapter 27

  When I got off the tricycle, I gave the charge and thanked the driver. When the tric left, the familiar vehicle arrived just in time, so I gasped. Why is this one so weird?

  I folded my arms and waited for him to get out of his car. " W hy didn't you wait for me?" The anger was obvious in his voice so I raised an eyebrow and secretly rejoiced.

  " W hy should I wait for you?" I asked.

  Seeing him frustrated and looks so betrayed like this makes me wonder if was he ever turned down before? He seems out of it.

  He did not answer. Instead, he took a few steps between us and I was surprised when he carefully pushed me against the door of my apartment.

  " W hat— "

  " Shut up." He remarked hard while looking at me heavily.

  I could feel the warmth of his big hand on my stomach because that's what he used to push me. One of his hands rested on the door behind me.