Chapter 63

  I caught up with nurse Riley fixing the IV cannula in Cohen’ s hand. When he saw me he stood up straight and carefully lowered Cohen's hand, I smiled at him and placed my purchases on the cabinet table.

  " Thank you .." I said and handed him a coffee. He stared there and at me, seemingly puzzled and embarrassed.

  " Oh, it's okay, ma'am."

  I shook my head, " Take it. I really bought that for you, Thank you for looking after my son." I said so he did nothing but accept that and say goodbye because he was needed at the station.

  " Thank you again for this, ma'am..." he showed me the coffee and I smiled.

  When he got out I arranged my groceries and prepared Cohen’ s food in case he woke up. I sat down on the chair and pulled out my cellphone. It's almost morning and I don't want to disturb mama, so I just dialed Cole's number. The call rang twice before he answered it. " Hmm .."