Chapter 68

  " W HAT ?! Oh, my God! Why didn't you tell me ?!"

  Cohen was outside and waiting for me while I was here in the kitchen to make lunch for him. Today is the start of their session at the theraphy center and I will send him there before I go to work.

  " I'm sorry, I just don't want you to worry— "

  " Of course, I'll be worried! Does aunt know about this? Fuck, don't tell me you won't tell her either ?!"

  I winced at Yana's noise so I barely moved the cellphone away from my ear. I let go of the sandwich I was holding and laid it on the clean plate.

  " He's fine now .. he's taking sessions in a physical— " " I am asking if Auntie already knows!"

  I close my eyes and sigh. Damn, Marchessa. " Not yet.."

  " Oh my gosh! Her grandson was shot! She should know! And then you left your apartment, maybe you should find another— "

  " Yes, we already moved out."

  " And you didn't tell me! W hat else happened that you didn't tell me, huh ?!"