Chapter 83

  Her lips parted and she shook quickly. " N- no, it's alright .. there's no problem there, I'm just surprised." She said and forced a smile again.

  I nodded and tightened my grip on Cohen's hand. " Thank you." " So .. are you .. living together already?" She asked.

  This time, I couldn’ t stop raising my eyebrow. I believe that information should be private and definitely be obvious but I'd still choose to understand her. I returned the calmness of my face and nodded softly.

  " Yes."

  She also nodded while dumbfounded at me, seemingly answering but not understanding what I was saying. " Oh .. okay, that's good. I mean, it's dangerous isn't it .. maybe what happened to Cohen will happen again, and at least in Loren's place, you're safe."

  Is she saying that my son and I are in danger without him? Is it my fault? Is that what she's playing? In the end, I still kept my cool and smirked instead.