Chapter 88

  But when I saw her again, after four damn years, I was taken aback. First, because she's finally here in my front again, and second, she has blood in her forehead, I panicked innerly at the sight of her tears and wound but I managed to keep my cool. Third, she's with a guy who seemed to be close to her.

  " Are you the guardian?" I assumed but I really did hope she's not because heck-

  " H- he's my son." Jesus Christ, she has a son! She had a family with this motherfucking young guy and I was, what? Stuck here curing patients day and

  night? I didn't even had a sex life for the past years without her! I can't believe this.

  The first ime I saw her child, I stilled and scanned his face seriously as I recall his features. He looks like .. me. I creased my brows and felt thousands of voltage streaming in my veins. W hat's happening? Why does this child looks like me?