Chapter 19

Viola Point of View



The swing and slam of the kitchen door were enough to grind anyone's ear.i don't know why she turned herself to a child, going and coming.

When I couldn't take the way she turned the kitchen door to her toy, I slipped down from Ronnie bed, her room was given to me to keep my luggages, and her room is beside the kitchen, it made the way Lucy turned the door to toy irritated me, it's itching my ear.

I headed out of the house to keep my calmness, I don't want to speak rudely to Lucy rather, I want to retain my peace till Octavia comes back.

On getting outside I met the security man playing song and dancing, he danced so well and he could have choose dancing as his career. he had want it takes to be dancer.

Dancing is not easy, and I appreciate one whenever I see a good dancer, before I attended a ballerina dance, i withdraw from the class when my father has a financial challenges then and stopped finally when he died.

Walking slowly towards the security to applause him, instead I startled him with my craziness.

He was shocked seeing me at his back, when he was lost dancing, with the way he looked at me.

"Ohhhhhh" I hummed

"Je suis désolé" I said to him with an apology glanced.

"I'm sorry" I said to him with an apology

glanced and a little smile on my face.

"aucun problème"

"No problem" he said and flashed me a smile, he has a cute face and his smile looked captivating I must confess.

"j'aime ta danse" I said to him

"Thank you" he replied, i was shocked when he spoke English, typical France hates speaking English, and I must say he looked like one of them with his mode of dressing and dialect.

"You though I hate Speaking English " he said to me, it looked like he can read my mind.

Instead of relying him, I opened my teeth and smile stupidly.

"I love speaking English, moreover my mother is not a France" he said, and opened his white teeth.

I must confess, l love the dimples on his face.

"Oh I see" I said.

''Then why did you love speaking France" I asked.

"I don't know, let say I love it when people treat me like a real France" he said and we both busted into laughter...

"What of your boss?, I didn't see him in"

"He rushed out earlier before you arrive"

"Did you know where he went to?" I asked him even when I know Octavia will never tell his security where he was going.

"I don't know, but where he went to must be important because I have not see him rushing out like today" he said.

"Okay" I said to him.

"Why don't you go and dress up and looked more beautiful than the rude boss secretary t inside, let her know she is not the only one beautiful, she love flaunting like she is only pretty girl in France" he said jokingly to me, though in the jokes I can felt seriousness in It.

The rude princess must have displayed her weakness to the cute security.

"Did you want me to compete with her, but I don't know how to do make up" I whispered to his ears, which let out a smile from his mouth.

"What if I tell you, I know how to do make up, my sister is a make up artist and he made sure I know how to beautify " he said to me.

"That is great, I guess I have someone who would teach me how to do make up for the time being" I muttered inwardly.

"Oh thank you, let me go and bath and change, afterward I will come here with the make up instrument" I said to him cheerfully and head back to the mansion.

Shocking jerk Octavia and his rude secretary with my beauty is not a bad thing, let me show them that we the poor are beautiful also, I have the best stature, I'm sure I will beat his rude secretary with my beauty after I plastered my face too.

Unlocking the entrance door that lead inside, I walked in and I met Lucy, she crossed her legs as she sat on the couch in the parlour, there is wine in her hand-she is sipping, truly the girl looked beautify and classy though I'm not sure I can like her personality.

I walked pass her into Ronnie room, I undressed the clothes on my body, and tie the white towel of Ronnie she placed on the bed on my body.

On getting to the Ronnie bathroom, i stared around in admiration, everything in Octavia mansion is beautiful and expensive, the jerk is a rich.

I admired every design on the wall , though is a bathroom but is beautiful more than the house we are living in as a Family before we lost my dad.

This is one of the reason Ronnie has adapted to the jerk scary nature, after I was done with my admiration, I slipped into the bathtub and bath, enjoying it like this is my last bath on earth.

The scent of the bathroom, the mansion everything about the house can make you forget suffering, I came out of the bathtub when my conscious mocked me of behaving the way Octavia talked about the poor

With timidity, I walked out of the bathroom, my conscious got me. I must not behave this way in front of my mockers like Octavia, even his mother and his rude secretary, I told myself in my mind.

I must change their perception about the poor and make them see the poor in another dimension, I cleaned myself on getting back to the room, I picked Ronnie body lotion on the slab in her room and poured on my hand, I rubbed it together and it scent fine, I couldn't resist the scent though my conscious will still mock me ,I don't care I perceived the scent placing the hand closer to my nose..

Afterward I used it on every part of my body, rubbing much quantity on my body, I want to smell nice, I want to change Octavia perception about me and his rude Secretary.

When it reached the clothes I should wear, I don't know which one to choose, so I spread them on the bed, looking for the one to wear.

My eyes favoured a purple gown among the clothes, it looked ordinary in looking there is something spectacular about the gown as I looked closer.

Wearing the gown on my body, it sized me perfectly and I smile as I watched my body in the mirror, I Parked the make up instruments Octavia bought for me and slammed the door as I head to the gate.

I didn't see the rude girl in the sitting room, and I didn't bother to look around for her, I met the security in his post and he was lost staring at me.

"Wow, you look amazing" he said and I blushed because is rare for a guy to complement my beauty.

I stretched forward the make up tool to him, he collected and ask me to follow him, which I did.

He took me to a place behind the security room, the place is exterior of where people can look at.

He must have brought me here to hide, he commence the work while I shut my eyes closed, waiting for when he will finish with the make up and I will say

"Whaoooooo" this is awesome. I said and smile inwardly, as I demonstrate in my mind.

After few minutes,

"Open your eyes" he said and I opened the eyes slowly, the picture I sighted in the mirror didn't resemble me, I sprang up and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you" I said to him which I withdraw my greet.

"Hhhhhhhhh hhhhhhjjj" we heard the sound of a motor horn which the security rushed to opened the gate, I admired myself in the mirror, before I started parking my things, suddenly I heard Octavia voice and some other voices.

I became confused of what to do, Octavia said his parents will arrive today, I 'm not sure they are the one.

I tiptoed out of where I stood, and stretched my neck to see the people discussing with Octavia clearly, they looked older, I watched more closely until my eyes popped out resemblance between octavia and his mothers.

"They have arrive, what will you do" my conscience let out

I become more confused of what to do, should I go and welcome them or stand here.

Getting answers to my questions, filled my mind


in a jiffy, I breathe deeply and turned my direction back to the question- Lucy was coming towards them.

"what is she doing here?" I asked myself

"I must do something" I said to myself.

To be continued.