Chapter 25

Viola's Point of View



Seeing Octavia's face, made my lips beam with smiles, I'm having my revenge gradually and I'm enjoying it.

If he knows what I have in stock for him, he won't dare tell me trash again. His being wealthy doesn't give him the license to speak to the poor the way he wants.

How dare he treated me like trash, asking me to behave like his ladylove or whatever she is to him.

I'm not jealous of her, but I wish to know this girlfriend, that's like a world to him.

Eating the remaining food on my plate slowly, I looked at his face, he looked at my food with desire, his longing for the food is written all over his face, gently I sprang up after I finished my food, twirling my mouth to let him know how delicious the food was.

"Dear, why are you not eating?" I asked him seductively, giving him a chuckle.


"I'm not hungry again, let's say I lost my appetite," he said in a hoarse voice.

"Why?, the food is delicious and I know you love it son, why the sudden loss of appetite," His mother said, dropping the fork she was using to eat the plantains on the plate.

"Try and finish the food, don't waste your woman's effort" the father added, my stomach groaned with excitement, I felt like laughing but I have to suppress it, I don't want my secret to open.

"Dad I said I lost my appetite, why forcing the food on me" He yelled angrily, his parents must be shocked by the looked on his parent. They stared at each other, stealing glances at each other.

"Dear, what is that? I said and patted his shoulder instantly, smiling at him, telling him to reciprocate with an eye signal.

He refused to reply instead he stood up and walked away from the dining.

"Mummy, I'm sorry, I will go and speak with him," I said and rushed after him, though this is not how I plan the revenge, I followed him into the room.

"Why did you believe rudely in front of your parents, you told me to be well behaved in front of them, and you are here doing otherwise".

"And you think I am faulty, who cooked the food I ate or is it different from the food you ate in the dining," he asked me angrily, he moved faster to present, before I was able to reply, his hand is on my neck, choking me.

I tried to remove his grip on my neck, instead he tighter the more, I couldn't free his hand on my neck, I looked at his face, and I can say I have not seen the dark gaze his eyes hold.

The eyes looked terrified and scary, he looked scary as the monster have been reading in werewolves novel, did he belong to werewolves, I must be saying rubbish, why would werewolves have human parents, I looked deeply into his eyes, my mind shivered instantly if I don't do something, this guy here might kill me feeling no guilt after my death.

When my hand is too small to remove his grip, I bite his hand hard with my teeth, a painful moan escaped his mouth, and he remove his grip from my neck and I landed angrily on the floor

"Get out of my room, I know what you did, don't take me for a fool" he yelled angrily, with pain in my neck, I walked out of his room, tears were flowing down from my eyes, how dare he tried to kill me.

I was only taking my revenge on him due to how he treated me harshly, I poured enough salt on the food on the top of the cooler, and I served both of us, that is the reason his food is salty and mine is okay.

I did it to take revenge, but how can he want to kill because of that little thing, I'm not a save here. He's a monster I can boldly say, Moreover, how did he know what I did, with the way he sound earlier, he must have caught me.

On entering Ronnie's room, I brought out my worn-out phone, inserted the battery into the phone, and dialed Ronnie's number.

The first ringing tone has not ended when She picked up the call.

"Hello, our hired girlfriend," Ronnie said cheerfully over the phone.

"Ronnie, are you in the hospital or at home, I'm coming to the hospital now, your boss wants to kill me, can you believe he almost take away my life today. He choke me waiting for his breath to leave out of my life, that guy is a monster, he is the saddest, I hate him with every fiber in me, I don't want to see his face again, I can't imagine I have a crush for that monster" I poured out my heart with tears dripping down.

It hurts, and I don't why it hurts that way, my brain replaying the ugly scene made me sad the more.

Ronnie busted into laughter over the phone.

"I don't get it, you have a crush for him, but you said he's rude and a jerk boss", Ronnie teased me.

I hate this side of Ronnie, making jest of what is paining me, this is a serious thing and she is taking it like a joke.

"Having a crush on him doesn't mean I love him, Ronnie, I have had a crush for many guys, he's not the first I will have a crush for and he won't be the last person?" I said angrily over the phone.

"Okay, don't be annoyed. Your voice is sounding offensive already, I'm in the hospital you can come, let's hang out here" Ronnie said, and I hung up hearing Octavia's mother shouting my name.

"I'm here ma," I said to her as I joined her in the parlor, I stared around to see if Octavia is near.

"He is discussing with his father at the relaxation center," his mother said like she is reading my mind

"Okay ma," I said to her.

"What is wrong? you don't look happy, did my son do anything offensive to you?" she asked like she cared, if she knew I'm poor I guess she will treat me worse also.

"No ma," I said to her.

"You have not told me about your parents, about you too, The school you went to, your occupation and your dream and goals in life, I want to help in achieving those goals" His mother's asking me different questions, everything is just to know my level it is up to her son standard not like she cares anyway.

"Octavia will tell you that ma" am, I don't like talking about my parents, many people have used it against me, when they got to know the wealthy home I came from, since then I don't find it comfortable to tell anyone about it," I said to her, pretending to be sad about it just for her to discharge me.

"I know you are from a wealthy home, I just want to satisfy my curiosity, I don't like the poor, though I don't hate them either, I just don't want any relationship between my family and them, that is why I'm been protective of my son, many of that poor lady are a gold digger, they have nothing to offer the rich than to collect from us" she was saying, and I was been irritated by her side of thoughts towards the poor.

"Hmmm" I hummed angrily, but I managed to hide it.

"There are still respectable ones among them ma" am"

"Nooooo, I don't think so Viola," she said, twirling her head"

"What of Octavia's housemaid, she has been working for Octavia for a while now and Octavia has never complained about her, I can boldly say the lady is more reliable than some wealthy people and Octavia can vouch for it"

" Yes, she is good. Have met her like two times when I came to France but yet she might be pretending, the poor are the most pretense people," she said, telling me her words are based on fact, I hope she has not been dupe with the way she spoke badly of the poor.

"Okay ma," I said to her.

"I have to go now, I want to go and say hi to a friend", I said to her.

"You will have to change it to another day, we are going out, both of us, I have a friend I want us to go and greet, Is one of the wealthy women ruling France, her taste in fashion is super, many nicknames her as fashion super, you could have heard about her, and she could have seen you too before since you are from the wealthy class She let out.

My throat got stuck instantly, I don't know how to tell her no, I can't go, this is the time, I need the jerk to save me out of this trash now.

If not our secret might link out today

To be continued

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