Chapter 43



Looking around the bathroom, to see if I can sight clothes to wear, but I didn't see any clothes.

I became nervous about what to do, I can't possibly go out naked when my clothes are on the bed.

Fortunately, Octavia didn't leave the room, he stood there waiting for me.

"I'm waiting for you, can you make your bath snappy?" His voice comes to my ears again.

"My clothes are on the bed, can you leave the room for a minute why do I quickly change," I said to him when I don't know what to do again.

The next thing I heard, was the creaking voice of the door opening.

Hurriedly I came out of the bathroom, wear my clothes, and opened the door for him to enter.

His face fell on my body, and he scrutinized my body, as if there is something on my body, that is disgusting.

"Hmmm" I hummed, trying to shift his focus away from my body.