You will beg me for sex

Viola's Point Of View


The creaking sound of the door aroused me, from my deep sleep. I rubbed my hands on my eyes, blinking my eyes repeatedly, until the eyes finally opened widely.

I yawned and stretched my both hands.

"Good morning ma," The maid's voice, made me turn my eyes to the door direction.

"Good morning," I replied the maid with a smile on my face.

"You have a visitor waiting for you at the parlor," she hasn't finished with her words, when my stomach rumbled, making a funny sound. My eyes trailed to my stomach and I rubbed my hand on it.

"Okay. Who is the person?" I asked, still my eyes on the stomach, biting my lips.

"I don't know the person, but he mentioned your name," The maid retorted.

'Who knows I'm here? moreover, I don't have any man as a friend, apart from Steve. And he didn't know am here.

''Describe the stature of the man,"