We shared a kiss

Octavia Point of View


The journey to the hospital was faster, maybe because I'm anxious to get there.

I drove inside the hospital, and parked my car at the designated place, then I hopped down from the car, and about to close the door, a familiar face walked up to me.

"Good day sir," The lady greeted me, in a respectful and familiar way. She must know me with the expression on her face, but I can't seem to remember her, but her face looked familiar.

"Good day, princess. How are you doing?" I tried to maintain the flow, I don't want to give her, an impression that I can't remember her.

"Thank you sir, but it seemed you don't remember my face sir..... Maybe, it was because of my natural look," she said, and that word made me looked at her intently.

I gasped, and raised my brows.

"Flora," I announced.

"Yes Mr Octavia," she replied and bowed slightly.