A chips

Third Person Point Of View



As soon as Tiana removed her sunglasses, the two receptionist mouth gasped, they didn't expect to see Tiana the most famous model in the whole of Portland.

They lowered their head simultaneously, pleading continuously until Tiana spoke out.

"I wondered if you are this rude to your customer, what did you will happen, if I report your rudeness to your boss," she said, trying to make them panicked.

"We are sorry ma," they chorused.

"Sorry... You eh I don't know to do concerning you, you went ahead telling me you are in love with my man, you even seduce him, even if I forgive her, I can't forgive you," she said, pointing to the two of them.

"I'm sorry sir, I'm not with myself when I says that, I must have lose my sense, may be it was because I have some mental issue," The chubby one said.