Chapter-2<*Source-II*> [ Edited ]

"I'm not going to deny it, your words hit in the right place" - replied the boy while biting his lip.

[I can see you're still not sure of your decision, so I guess I'm going to give you some space to think, one hour, after one hour you'll have to answer, and if you don't, I guess I'll have to give this opportunity to someone else]

With that said, the voice disappeared, and in the process, causing everything to return to normal.

The boy watched as people began to move again while the colors returned to the way they were before this strange voice appeared. He let out a long sigh before returning home as he felt as if this had all been a dream.

* * *

30 minutes later, and after he had placed his mother's picture back in its little shrine. He would leave his mother's picture hanging next to his door, so he could feel her greeting him after a long day of work.

Right now, the boy was lying on his bed, thinking hard about the proposal the voice had given him, though the more he considered it, the crazier he felt he was becoming, because he felt this was his best offer.

He hated his family, they were profiteering sons of bitches who were only there when it benefited them, and disappeared when they needed them the most. Those filthy maggots had deprived his mother of her inheritance, money that could have helped them long enough for his mother to stabilize their situation.

Just thinking about it made the boy's blood boil, although he quickly calmed down, it was better to think with a cool head.

He didn't have a girlfriend because he was focused on surviving, not to mention that the rumors surrounding him were not good, his family was shit, so even if he died, there would be no one to cry for him. It was sad, but that was his life, in fact, the only person he got along with, was his boss, and this was because he was willing to do some extra hours or cover some shifts, in other words, it was merely commercial.

The more he thought about this, the sadder the boy became, although he quickly returned to normal, after all, this had also been his decision.

[I see you came to a conclusion much quicker than I thought...]

"Were you spying on me?" - asked the boy with a frown.

[Not at all, it's just that since you're the [user(provisional)], the system has to be on your side until you accept or decline my proposal, although I see you've already accepted]

"I have nothing to lose but my life, and this one is so monotonous that I feel like I could commit suicide at any moment..." - answered the boy as he let out a sigh - "It's just that I haven't done it because my mother wouldn't want it, nor do I wish to give that satisfaction to those sons of bitches in my "family"..."

[And why don't you kill them?]

"Because they're not worth it, besides, my mother wouldn't want me to have my hands stained in blood either" - the boy answered while gritting his teeth.

[Oh, then it's a pity, because blood is what you'll see the most in [Source ]... Do you still wish to participate?]

"If it's for reuniting with my mother, so I can apologize for everything I put her through, then yes, I'm going to do it even if afterward my mother hates me for it" - answered the boy seriously - "I... I just want to see her one more time..."

[Perfect, I like your conviction, that's why I recommend you to bite something and prepare for the pain ~]

The boy didn't hesitate, he quickly grabbed a nearby t-shirt rolled it up before biting into it, only to feel a sharp pain run through every inch of his body.

[Hang on for a few minutes and remember, this is the easy part ~]

The boy continued to let out choked cries of pain as he squirmed constantly.

[Listen, this procedure is called [Fate Erasure], when your pain is over, your body will leave the control of your dimension and become the "property" of the [Source ] system. All the people who knew you will forget you, you will be nothing more than a ghost].

The boy was ignoring the woman's words as he continued to squirm.

[Having no destiny, you can forge it with your own hands, that's the first step to complete the system's mission].

The pain continued for another 15 minutes, and with the boy having his whole body sweating profusely.

[Congratulations on passing the first step, I guess this is the part where I inform you about our objective, and this one is quite simple, we wish to find the [Source ] of everything]

"The Source ?" - repeated the young man feebly.

[Exactly, that is the main objective of the system, as for the reason why we want to achieve this feat, it is simple, the system was built by the first beings who managed to ascend, they created a council of immortals to discuss trivial issues because they came to the conclusion that there is nothing more boring than immortality with nothing to do. In their endless quests for knowledge, the council managed to arrive at an enigma that they had not yet solved, and that was the Source of everything... How did it all begin? They searched and searched for this answer, but no one was able to find it. Years passed and everything was still the same, so the immortals thought it was a good idea to search in the different alternate realities, interacting with other immortals, who slowly joined the cause, that was how the [Source ] system was born with the sole purpose of revealing the ultimate truth]

"I see..." - Muttered the boy as he nodded.

[Ok, enough of the backstory, now comes what's important to you.]

The boy looked intently at the pop-up tab.

[In order to advance through [Source ], you have to pass certain tests in the forms of worlds, these worlds are based on the stories created by the hundreds of authors in your world, or rather, those stories are based on the different worlds]

"I see, that's why you talked about connection" - the boy murmured.

[Exactly, although I recommend you not to interrupt me. Getting back to the point, the system is constantly updated to make the user able to get as much information as possible about his power level, which is divided into [Stats] and [Skills], both passive and active]

[Stats are divided into the following:

[Str] or strength, which increases your offensive power, as well as the load your body can withstand.

[Dex] or Dexterity, which increases your overall speed and reaction time, as well as flexibility.

[Int] or intelligence, which improves your analytical ability, as well as your control of the different energies of the multiverse.

[Vit] or vitality, which increases resistance to attacks, regeneration, and the amount of energy you can accumulate inside you.

[Luk] or luck, an innate [Stat] that cannot be improved by leveling up, and can only be obtained as rewards. Luk helps to find hidden quests, rare items, or get information about certain recruitment requirements.

Every 50 points of base Stats, you need 1 additional [Stat Point] to level it up, in other words, after 50 base stats, to raise an additional base Stat, you need to use 2 [Stat Point], with a maximum of 10 [Stats Point] to raise a point.

There are also different types of item and [Skills] rarity, among these the most common are [Common], [Rare], [SR: Super Rare], [Special (Mission Items)], [Unique] and [EX], the latter bordering on the divine.

Moving on to the missions, there are 3 types of missions: [Mandatory] missions that you need to complete to leave a world, [Secondary] missions that improve the final score of the world upon completion, and [Hidden] missions that serve to complete recruitment requirements or to get rare items from the different worlds you enter.

The worlds are also divided by level, and the higher the level, the more complex or with more mechanics will appear, among these can be magic or divinity, all this can vary, but I recommend you to be especially careful with the [Challenge] worlds, although I'll give you this information later...]

The boy was silent as he felt a sharp headache, as if a huge amount of information was trying to invade his brain.

[Calm down, this is a standard procedure, it's a way for the [System] to ensure that all the information was assigned correctly, as well as some other information that I didn't give you because I forgot].

The boy gritted his teeth as he felt how his head was about to explode, although he had to admit that this complementary information made him see more simply the most important information, such as the [Skills], which had many questions before the infusion of information.