Chapter-19<*Saeko( R-18 )*>

"Are you sure this is a safe place?" Saeko asked as she looked around.

The two of them had been fighting and escaping from the zombies for a full day and they had finally managed to find clean place. They first stayed in a hotel after clean up the area a bit but in the middle of the night, a big group of zombies arrived at the place as if they had felt his presence. In the end, they had to fight the whole night and they were tired, so they find a safe place

it was something that at least Saeko would appreciate.

"There are no zombies in the surroundings, in at least 6 blocks" - answered the blonde as he sat down on the ground. Despite his great stamina, he was tired after fighting for so long. It wasn't all bad though, since he was now level 10 after killing so many zombies.

"What do you think happened to the inhabitants of this place?" Saeko asked as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. The two were currently inside a Shinto Temple, one of the attractions of this city.

"They probably escaped"- Cloud answered as he shrugged- "I think it would be a good idea if we take a shower and change our clothes"

"I don't think it's a bad plan"-Saeko replied as an idea came to her mind-"You go first, I have to check some things"

"Ok" - nodded the blonde without even thinking twice. He just wanted to relax and get some rest, though he didn't know he couldn't do that.


Night came quickly and Cloud was resting in one of the rooms. His eyes were closed and his breathing was steady but he woke up when he felt someone open the door. He slowly moved his gaze in that direction, only to notice how Saeko was standing in the doorway with her body completely naked from her.

"Good night, Cloud-kun-" Saeko said as he purred seductively. She slowly walked towards the boy as he moved his hips suggestively, "What's wrong?"

"Reason?" The blond asked as he swallowed hard. He had to admit that after tasting the fruit of pleasure for the first time, he was hoping for more but the situation had been so bad that he hadn't been able to continue exploring this new territory together with Shizuka.

"Reason?" Saeko asked as she tilted her head. "Can't you see that I'm seducing you?" "..." - Cloud just kept silent realizing how stupid what was that question.

"But if you want me to specify a little more... I could tell you that it's because you're interesting"-Saeko said as she stood next to the boy and in the process, giving him the best view possible. He could see every inch of the girl's body, from her well defined legs, to her prominent hips, her delicate waist and her beautiful big breasts, ending in her purple hair that cascaded down - "You are strong, determined and ruthless when It is necessary... a whole man if I had to say it-"

"You know very well that I'm in a relationship with Shizuka" - Cloud said normally.

"I know... but that means nothing in a society that is practically a jungle..." - answered the swordswoman - "A society where only the strong have the right to give their opinion while the weak are only prey for the strong"

"Also…do you think I haven't noticed the looks you give me when we're fighting?" - the beautiful girl with purple hair smiled - "Are you going to lie to me when you say you don't find me attractive?"

"Admit it, Cloud Strife... you want me" - Saeko smiled as she gave the boy a kiss that gradually became wilder - "You want me as much as I want you... and if so... why do you want me?" Why don't we just get carried away?"

"What about Shizuka-chan?" - Asked the blonde seriously. Everything depended on the girl's answer, if she gave a bad answer, he would simply resist the lust that was growing with each passing second.

"I have no problem with sharing... a strong male is always surrounded by females"-the girl smiled as she felt how the blond began to run through her body-"I think I gave the right answer-"

"Exactly"-smiled the blonde as he dragged her into her arms. The two again began to kiss passionately as they joined more and more - "Tell me how you want to continue"

"Straight to the point, I don't like to dwell on the matter"-Saeko smiled as she positioned herself above the boy-"Not to mention that because of my training, my hymen broke years ago"

"That makes it a little easier"-the blonde agreed as he

He took off her clothes and penetrated her suddenly.

"Ah-!" -Saeko only moaned when she felt how the inside of her was invaded. She was a little uncomfortable but nothing that a little time wouldn't get her used to.

Saeko slowly moved her hips to get used to the feeling, though after her vagina lubricated a bit more, she started to feel like heaven- "Hyan~!"

Cloud just nodded firmly as he began to move his hips to the rhythm of his lover's movements. Saeko was also carried away by pleasure as the blond buried her face in the girl's soft and large breasts, from time to time savoring her pretty nipples.

The girl's moans were echoing in the room with every thrust the boy gave her. She couldn't believe how good it felt to give herself to that important person but now she understood what some of her friends talked about her when they were in class.

The two lovers were doing it all over the place, first it was inside the bathtub, then they continued non-stop in the showers, ending up against the wall.

Cloud was enjoying Saeko's reactions, especially that imploring look she had as he reached deep inside her. It was obvious that she wanted to feel him release her cum inside her and honestly, he wasn't averse to the idea.

"Danna-sama~!" Saeko moaned as he squeezed her tighter, as if telling him to come inside her.

"Saeko!" The blond exclaimed as he sped up his movements.

"Ah ~!" -The purple-haired girl only moaned in ecstasy when she felt how her lover's penis trembled slightly, announcing that it was not long before he could release his essence of her inside her-"Inside-I want it inside~!"

"Okay! Receive it all...Saeko!" Cloud moaned as she gave him one last thrust, only to get to the thickest part.

hidden from her intimacy-"I cum!"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAH~!" -Saeko just moaned in ecstasy as she felt how her beloved filled every inch of her insides, only to cum at the moment.

"I'm not done yet!" The blond groaned as he continued to move his hips.

"Wait a second-!" Saeko moaned as she bit her lip. She had just come but her lover was penetrating her again-"Please, Danna-sama~!"

"I'm sorry... but I can't stop myself"-Cloud said as he gave him a deep thrust.

Saeko arched her back in ecstasy as she felt the boy do what he wanted inside her-"Ah-I can't anymore-!"

"Say it, Saeko!" - moaned the blonde - "Say it!"

"I'm yours, Danna-sama~!" -Saeko moaned as she felt him take her by the waist to penetrate her more easily- "I'm yours and only yours ~!"

[Ding! Fulfilled Requirements for that 'Character' Saeko

Busujima joins you on your way to Source] "Danna-sama~!" moaned the swordswoman as she felt like

the blond filled it again - "I'm cumming!!!!!!~!"

Cloud just kissed her passionately as he continued to release her second load into the girl, who slowly began to regain control of her and kiss him back.

"What do you think about it?" The blond asked as he looked at the girl.

"It was the best thing I've ever done in my life" - smiled Saeko

while she began to give him little kisses-"But..."

"But?" - Asked the blonde, only to feel how the girl pushed him to the bed.

"But it's not enough…" Saeko smiled as she purred seductively "That's why we won't stop for tonight"

"I didn't plan to stop"-smiled the blonde as he moved his hips again.

mSaeko just masterfully rode him as she began to bounce on top of her lover's masculinity. Her huge breasts were bouncing to the tune of her passionate tune.

"Come on Saeko!" The blond moaned.

"Hai-!" - The girl moaned while the moans of both echoed in the place.


The next morning, Cloud was waking up as usual. He slowly remembered what had happened yesterday and a smile appeared on his face, though it turned serious when he remembered a small detail.

"Latest Information..." - the boy thought as a screen appeared in front of him.

[Ding! Fulfilled Requirements for 'Character' Saeko Busujima to join on your way to Source]

[Information: Saeko is a traditional woman, that's why when she falls in love with her, she gives herself completely. For her, there is only one man in her life and that is her husband, her teacher, her 'Danna-sama', the only person who can fully accept her, with her values ​​and flaws, the only person who can help her control her Bloodlust]

"Is something wrong, Danna-sama?" Saeko asked as she rubbed her eyes. She still had a slight blush on her cheeks after having consummated her relationship with her now-husband in anything but cardboard.

"It's nothing... it's just that we still have to prepare to go back even though I want to spend a little more time by your side"-Cloud said as he shook his head. He wasn't lying, he wanted to spend more time with Saeko but at the same time he understood that he couldn't leave the others alone any longer, not when he still didn't know if they had been rescued...