
Cloud and Kyoko returned to the group separately to hide

what they had done, although two women felt that something strange was going on, so they decided to talk to Kyoko later.

"Where were you?" Saya asked with a frown.

"Let's say I was looking for an old friend"-smiled the blonde as he showed them his gun..

"Interesting…" Kohta said seriously as he carefully picked up the gun "I never thought you would like semi automatics, not to mention that she is well cared for"

"I'm more into hand-to-hand combat, that's why I don't use this beauty much" - answered the blond as I took the gun back - "But she has accompanied me more than you think, it was with her that I started practicing my aim and little by little I was ordering it to be modified... one of the few advantages of working with the Takagi"

"I see..." - Kohta agreed.

"Speaking of weapons...what happened to ours?" - I ask

Cloud seriously when he saw the boy with glasses

completely unarmed. He thought they had been left in another room but after not seeing them for a while, he realized that they had 'disappeared! "They were confiscated by the men of the mansion" -

Kohta muttered regretfully.

"I see..." - murmured the blond - "I guess I'll have to go get them... do you want to come with me?"

"Of course!" - exclaimed the boy with a wild smile.

"We'll be back in no time" - saying that, the blonde walked out of the room with the fat boy.

"I hope you don't have problems"-Kyoko sighed when she saw that the boy with whom she had had an intimate moment recently, had left again.

"Don't worry, for some reason I don't know, he has permission to take weapons out of the warehouse" - Saya replied in confusion. She was always curious about it but her parents always told her that they would talk about it and that it was all for her safety.

"Kyoko-chan~! Can I talk to you for a second?" Shizuka asked with a happy smile although Kyoko noticed the strange sparkle in her colleague's eyes, so she understood that she knew about her situation with the blonde-"Ok..."

"I'm sorry girls, I have something important to talk about with Kyoko-chan so we'll go away for a few minutes~" - saying that, the nurse took the teacher's hand and dragged her out of the room.

"Strange... Shizuka sensei had never acted like this" - Miku said with a frown. She found this whole situation strange.

"Let's better let them talk in peace" - Saeko smiled with a carefree face. She, as an experienced woman, could notice the slight change in Kyoko, especially when they saw how comfortable she was with the blond, so it was obvious what had happened.

"You know something?" Saya asked upon seeing the slight change in the swordswoman's expression.

"It's possible... although I'm not completely sure" - answered the girl with purple hair - "Well, if they want to say what it is, they'll say it, otherwise... well, we can't do anything to force them to speak...right?"

"I agree with Saeko-san on this"-rei agreed as she looked at her friend-"We can't get into other people's lives"

Saya just sighed but still she nodded because the girls' words were true.


After retrieving the weapons, Cloud returned to the room where the others were with Kohta, only to see how the girls were in separate groups.

Shizuka, Kyoko and Saeko were chatting with a smile while the others just gave the blonde an annoyed look when they saw that he was back.

"Ok? Can someone tell me what's going on?" the boy asked as he looked at Takashi.

"I think you know it must have happened" - denied Takashi

while he looked at his childhood friends.

Cloud sighed because it was obvious that the girls had

found out about what happened with Kyoko.

"Really three?" Takashi asked in surprise.

"Things just happened... although I don't regret it"-the blonde just shook his head when he heard the words of his best friend.

"What will you do with the others?" - asked the black-haired boy - "Will they also join your little crystal palace?"

"Am I some kind of sexual predator who fucks any woman in front of him?" Cloud said with a frown.

"No... but your resume, it doesn't help you"- Takashi sighed as he pointed at the girls- "Three of Six... I'll just say that" Cloud was about to say something but he stopped when

he heard a knock on the door.

"Sorry for the intrusion but I came to invite you to have dinner with me"-Yuriko smiled when she appeared in the room-"Hmm? Why do I feel the atmosphere so tense?"

"..." - those present only fell silent when they heard the question, only to see how the blonde had an awkward smile.

"I'm sorry, I was just curious"-Yuriko smiled as she remembered the conversation she had had with Kyoko-" you accept my invitation?"

"We accept"-said Saya as she looked around-"Isn't it?"


After an awkward dinner, the boys divided into groups.

Saya went with her mother because he wanted to talk about something important with her.

Kaede took Rei's hand because according to her, the girl needed a little help, not to mention that her son could spend some private time with Airi. Miku decided to go with them.

Kohta decided to go to the shooting range with Yuriko's permission so he could keep fit.

Cloud for his part decided to get some air but before he could leave, he was taken in the arms by Shizuka and Saeko, who had innocent smiles on their faces. He understood that he would have to explain some things, so after telling Kyoko to come with them, the four of them walked towards an unoccupied room, only for an hour later, the mood inside the room changed to a more 'rosy' one.


The next morning, Cloud was waking up better than ever, although he wouldn't deny it he was extremely tired. He slowly moved his gaze around him, only to see the faces of the girls who were sleeping next to him, still unable to believe how quickly everything had changed.

Only a few days had passed and he had an active 'love' life that would make anyone jealous, all thanks to how quickly the feelings had developed thanks to the tension of being able to die at any moment.

Situations like that, made not only the survival instinct of human beings grow, but also the desire to leave offspring, that was the reason why humans were more sexually active in situations of life or mind, because although they did not want to admit it, human beings are still animals.

Shizuka, the sexy busty nurse whom he had dated more than once, though their relationship wasn't established until after the zombie virus outbreak exploded.

Saeko, the wild and beautiful swordswoman, his 'Senpai' and the girl who most resembled him. The two began to develop feelings for each other the more they fought together.

Kyoko, the seductive teacher he had saved and protected. That was the reason why the woman's feelings had started to develop, although at the moment they were more one-sided, although he would not lie, he would protect this woman with her life, after all, she was the girl now. of the.

In addition to this, Kyoko was the second person that he had managed to complete the recruitment requirements, which were not that difficult... maybe this was because she was destined to die and by saving her, a large part of those requirements were fulfilled? ?

[Kyoko, the unfortunate victim]

[Information: Not much is known about this beautiful teacher, only that she has had an unproductive life. Her bad luck in her love has made all of her relationships end badly, being mostly just desires of men for her sexy body. She was destined to die but thanks to your efforts she managed to survive and in the process, start to show feelings for you. She just wants stability and not to be taken advantage of anymore]

"..."-Cloud felt bad when he read Kyoko's information because she showed that everything she said was true. He could only sigh at the thought of how this beautiful woman who is now sleeping next to her with a smile on her face, she was only 'programmed' to suffer and end up with an unjust death.

"Is something wrong, Danna-sama?" Saeko asked when she noticed the expression on her lover's face. She had just woken up but as a good swordswoman, she was always alert, even in the morning.

"It's nothing"-denied the blond-"It's just that she remembered something important"

"What?" - asked the girl curiously

"It's likely that my boss will come back today" - answered the blond, only to hear how the screams could be heard outside the mansion.

"What's going on out there?" Shizuka asked as she rubbed her eyes. She was having the best dream of her life and her screams woke her up.

"Hmm..." - Kyoko also started to wake up.

"I believe

that he came back" - answered Cloud calmly.

"Who?" Kyoko asked as she rubbed her eyes in annoyance.

"The owner of this mansion" - answered the blond - "Souichiro Takagi, the leader of the yakusa Takagi family"