Chapter-27<*Loss and Hunt*>

Souichiro was overcome with anger and the desire for revenge but his pupils contracted when they saw how the bus slid towards him at full speed.

"!" -he could only watch in terror as he tried to get up faster but the pain in his leg was too much- "Fuck, hurry up!"

He was trying everything to get out of that place but no matter what he did, he couldn't move at the speed he wanted.

"Is this how it all ends?" Souichiro wondered as a faint smile appeared on his face. He could see how the bus was approaching at full speed while moving everything in its path - "I never thought I would die this way... ARGH!"

Souichiro could only scream in pain as he felt his leg being completely crushed by the vehicles. Now it was obvious that he would not survive this.

"I'm sorry..." the yakuza leader muttered as the image of his wife and daughter came to his mind-"I'll be protecting them from the other side..."

"SOUICHIRO-SAMA!" - shouted the soldiers who had arrived at the place, only to see how their leader was crushed by the bus - "SOUICHIRO-SAMA!"

One of the men tried to go to his leader but was stopped by another of his companions-"WHY ARE YOU STOPPING ME?! WE CAN STILL SAVE HIM!"

But before he could say anything else, the sound of the bus exploding echoed in the surroundings.

"No!" - shouted the soldier - "NOOO00000000000!"

The others just bit their lip as they clenched their fists furiously. They knew how much his partner respected his leader, after all, he helped him get off the streets and meet his wife.

"We have to tell Yuriko-sama…" one of the men said as he sighed regretfully- "Not to mention that we have to improve our defenses… the sound of the explosion will attract countless of those things"

"We have to get to work" - said a second man - "I don't think Souichiro-sama liked the idea of ​​seeing so many people die..." "Who do you think you are to talk about what I wish

Souichiro-sama?!" - the man who was being restrained roared but quickly calmed down and apologized - "I'm sorry..."

"We understand how you feel" - the first of the men sighed "Souichiro-sama was someone important to us too and that is why we have to protect everything he built"

"Do it..."-said the restrained man while he indicated to his companions to release him-"I have something to do"

"What are you planning to do, Tora?" - asked one of his companions of his.

"I'm going to find the son of a bitch who killed Souichiro-sama and hand him over to Yuriko-sama on a silver platter" - said the man known as Tora - "It's the least I can do for her right now"

"Ok..." - agreed the others.


"What was that?!" - Kyoko exclaimed upon hearing the sound of an explosion in the distance.

"I don't know but it doesn't sound like good news" - Cloud replied seriously. For an explosion to be so close to the mansion, it would only alert all the surrounding zombies.

[Updated objective, character Souichiro Takagi has died]

"!" -Cloud's eyes widened when he read the notification that had come to him-"How?!"

"Cloud-chan?" Shizuka could only give her a surprised look when she noticed the change in her boyfriend's expression.

"What's going on?" Saeko asked as she walked over to the two blondes.

"?" - Kyoko who was a little upset by the sound of the

explosion, she could only look at the blonde in surprise.

"Sorry guys, I have to get out right away" the blonde replied as he ran out of the room.

"What just happened?" - Kyoko asked with surprise while the others shook their heads although inside they had a bad feeling.


"How did this happen?" The blonde wondered as he looked at the notification to make sure he had read it correctly.

[Updated objective, character Souichiro Takagi has died]

[Additional information: Souichiro decided to meet a certain person but after refusing his request, he was furious and charged at Souichiro]

"That's all?" Cloud exclaimed in his thoughts.

[The system only gives vague information because if we gave it detailed, it would make it too easy to develop and obtain quests]

"..."-Cloud only kept silent because he made sense of the situation. That kind of information not only made getting quests easier, it also made the actual quests themselves easier. He could only think how easy it would be to complete the quest in a world like Danganronpa if the System gave that kind of detailed information.

[Secret Mission (Common): Vengeance Hunt]

[Yuriko was informed of her husband's death and is now devastated. She only wishes to hold the bastard responsible so that she can ease all the pain in her heart.]

[Objective: Capture the person responsible and hand him over to Yuriko] [Failure: The person responsible escapes. he dies or is captured by someone else]

[Reward: +5 Stats Point, 1 Skill Point and +20

Favorability with Yuriko]

[Common Rank Quest, there is no penalty if you fail or don't accept the quest]

"..."-Cloud again fell silent as he shook his head-"I guess this is a bonus..."

Honestly, he was going to find the responsible bastard because Souichiro had helped him too much during all these years.

years and he owed her. "I think it's time to work" - the blond murmured with a cold look. This time he would go hunting, just not with his sword, but with his weapon-"I'd better hurry up"


Shido was looking around silently. He never thought that everything would end like this.

"Why did I do something like that…" the professor muttered as he bowed his head. He had let his emotions cloud his judgment and now he was paying the price but it made him feel strange as this had never happened. Despite the multiple times where he had felt this level of anger, he had never failed to contain it.

Could it have been the tension? The accumulated rage? He couldn't answer those questions but he did know one thing and that was...

"I have to get out of here..." Shido said to himself as he walked carefully.

His whole body ached from the impact of the fall but still he didn't stop because he knew they were looking for him.

Souichiro was someone loved by all his troops thanks to the benefits and protection he gave and that was why many would go after him.

"Slow and sure"-Shido said as he continued to walk around-"Just a few more blocks"


"..." - Cloud was looking around the mansion with binoculars so as not to miss the smallest detail - "If I were a murderer... which way would I run?"

He didn't know where to start since he didn't even know where Souichiro had died.

"If this is a common mission..." the blonde murmured but his expression changed when he saw movement four blocks away-"I got you..."


"Where did that bastard go" - Tora said furiously seeing that he had lost his target but his expression relaxed when he noticed something on the ground - "Blood... I guess he must have hurt himself when he escaped from the bus... and if so…..then it doesn't have to be far away because the blood is still fresh"


"Shit!" Shido roared as he tore off a bit of his suit so he could create a makeshift bandage. His arm was bleeding more and more and he could feel himself starting to feel dizzy from the loss of blood.

Resisting a bit was no problem, but running for more than 15 minutes was another matter.

The wound at first wasn't that big but while escaping at full speed, he had hit more than one object and in the process, his wound was getting bigger and bigger.

"If only I could meet up with the military," Shido muttered as he continued to advance, "Not only would I be safe, but I could also finally get everything I want..."

Shido's breathing was getting heavier, as was his footsteps but still, he was using all of his strength- "Just a little more... just... a little more..."

But when he turned a corner, a large number of zombies appeared in front of him.

"Shit!" -the professor shouted with fear but his expression changed to one full of hope when he heard the sound of the shots, more when he saw how the zombies fell one by one-"Thank you whoever you are!"

"You shouldn't thank so soon, Shido" - said a voice he knew quite well.

"No!" - The professor exclaimed with terror while Cloud appeared in front of him.

"I was lucky to see you run in this direction"-the blonde smiled as he approached the teacher-"I don't do anything stupid... I don't want to take you dead to Yuriko-san"

"Cloud Strife..." Shido said as he backed away slowly. He knew that he couldn't escape from the blonde because he hated what they both felt for each other, it was too big.

"I would like to say that it is a pleasure to see you again but I would be lying" - Cloud said with a frown - "More so knowing that you killed Souichiro"

"Don't be a hypocrite... I know very well that you also wanted him dead" - Shido snorted coldly.

"Ho-? Why do you think that?" - Asked the blond.

"Because you wanted his place"-Shido answered.

"Pff-Hahaha~!" -Cloud just laughed when he heard this- "Oh my god....this is the funniest thing I've ever heard in my entire life!"