
It was a new day for the group and they were preparing breakfast in silence.

The survivors who managed to escape from the Takagi mansion were looking at their guardians with fear because they felt that if they did something wrong, they would be discarded like trash.

"Don't worry, we won't make you do anything"-said Yuriko as she looked at the group-"We won't use you in any unethical way either, so please relax"

She understood that this would be impossible but at least she had to explain her situation to them a little.

"What will we do now?" Saeko asked as she looked at the blond.

"I promised I'd help Yuriko-san until we find the military... after that, I'm not sure what to do" - denied the blonde as he watched as the survivors started to help with the food - "Honestly, I don't know. .."

He still had many things to do, such as continuing to kill zombies to improve his final grade with the Chain Mission, though he was thankful that the Takagi mansion's explosion gave him a large amount of experience.

"I guess this is due to my obvious intervention…" the blonde thought as he remembered how he had informed Yuriko about the situation, despite the fact that for that reason she now only has a little more than five days left. life.

"Is something wrong, Cloud-kun?" Kyoko asked when she noticed the small change in her lover's expression.

"It's nothing" - denied the blond - "I was just thinking about how we will move forward from now on"

"We will send the most experienced men to investigate a route to Taiei and then we will move with the buses"-Yuriko said as she walked towards where they were-"That is why I want you to go as his Leader"

"..."-Cloud gave him a surprised look because honestly, he never thought that he would receive that kind of mission from the yakuza woman-"Ok"

"Are you sure of this?" Saeko asked with a frown as she looked at Yuriko. She felt that something strange was happening between them.

"Yes" - agreed the blonde - "Although I have to see who will go with me"

"I'll go" - Saeko said immediately.

"I'll go too"-Kohta said as she took the gun from him. He i could let his friend go alone.

"Tora and his group will also go"-Yuriko said calmly-"With that won't be a problem" "No" - denied Cloud. He knew who they were, so there wouldn't be any problem.

"Ok, they'll leave after breakfast" - Yuriko said calmly.

"..."-Cloud was silent for a few seconds, only to be surprised that a new pop-up screen appeared in his sight.

[Hidden Mission: Savior (Rare)]

[Even though you don't want to, your actions are saving hundreds of people and that's what counts, so keep it up, they will thank you]

[Objective: Save as many survivors as possible]

[Currently: 200/200 (Does not include protagonists or optional mission objectives)]

[The more survivors, survive this crisis, the higher the rewards]

[You can continue saving survivors to increase the maximum number]

[Survivors have to be with the least amount of damage (Max 20% damage)]

[Flaws: If the survivors are less than 25]

[Reward: 50 (minimum) Survivors: 5 Stats Point and 1 Skill Point]

[Reward +5 Stats Point and 1 Skill Point with every 50 minimum additional survivors] [Reward: 400 (MAX) additional survivors: Roulette (Editable) x2. More information in the world Home]

[400 Survivors is the maximum number to get the highest reward, more survivors will not give benefits for the mission, but they will give you Karma points]

"..." - Cloud had to admit that the mission wasn't that bad, not to mention that the Roulette reward was something interesting.

"Anything you want to share?" Yuriko asked with

curious when she noticed the change in the blonde's gaze.

"It's nothing" - denied Cloud - "I just think I found the motivation I was looking for"

"2" - the others just gave him a confused look but

They decided to put everything aside.

"Cloud Nii!" Alice exclaimed with a smile as she ran to the boys with Zeke in her arms. The girl had been with her father all the time making new friends with the other children of the mansion, that is why she had not shown herself to the boys in the group.

"Alice, it's good to see you" - the blonde smiled as he stroked the girl's hair - "Who are your friends?"

He noticed how a group of 4, three boys and a girl, were chasing little Maresato.

"They are my friend. Gin, Kimi, Ray and Aki!" Alice smiled.

while she introduced her friends.

"H-Hello..." - the children said with fear because in front of them was the woman who controlled everything.

"Why do I feel like they look at me like I'm a human-eating monster?" Yuriko asked as she shook her head-"Well, Cloud, I want the operation to start as soon as possible"

"Ok, breakfast and we'll leave immediately" - nodded the blonde - "I'm sorry Alice-chan, I guess the meeting ended here"

"Ok..." - the little girl murmured sadly. She wanted to meet her kind Onii-chan again but it seems that it lasted until then.

"I promise I'll play with you and your friends when we're in our new home"-the blonde smiled as he stroked the little girl's hair.

"Pinky promise!" -exclaimed the girl as she raised her little finger- "No lie!"

"Ok"-nodded the blond as he linked her little finger with his.

girl - "Pinkie Promise"


"This is getting out of control!" - exclaimed a man of about 25 with a clear criminal appearance - "That idiot is crazy!"

The aforementioned was a boy younger than him but he seemed to have gone crazy because of how much he shouted incoherently.

"Calm down Shimada" - said the other 25-year-old guy with camouflage jacket.

"You don't get it! He's calling more of that stuff!" - Shimada exclaimed angrily - "Shut up, Tamaru!"

"Not the best way to put it, young man"-said the old man while his wife nodded.

They were a small group, an elderly married couple, another older man who was sitting quietly, Shimada who was starting to lose his temper, Tamaru who could only shake his head, the boy who had become crazy and a woman in her 20s. "I can't take it anymore!" Shimada shouted as he took out a gun and pointed at the boy - "Shut up!"

"Put the gun down, civilian Shimada!" - said a pretty blonde girl. She was wearing a police uniform that covered all of her modest and athletic body.

"Tch!" -Shimada just clicked his tongue but calmed down when he saw that the boy finally stopped screaming-"You saved yourself for now, idiot..."

"I'm sorry you have to put up with Shimada, Police Asami" - Tamaru sighed - "He's not normally like that, it's just that all this has him completely stressed"

"I understand the situation" - Asami agreed with a tender smile - "But please, don't do something that you may later regret"

"We'll keep it in mind, Officer Asami"-the old married man smiled while his wife nodded happily. They were thankful that their group had two police officers to act as leashes for the boys.

"Where is Officer Matsushima?" asked the lonely old man.

"Matsushima Danchou is checking if help is coming" - Asami replied. The aforementioned woman was the head of his police department.

"I just hope someone comes…" the elderly woman murmured as she sighed regretfully. She was scared because she felt that at any moment Shimada could explode and it would be much worse than the boy who was unhinged.

"Don't worry, help will come soon"-Asami smiled although inside he could only sigh as he prayed for a miracle, not knowing that they would soon get the help they were asking for.

"Something happened?" - Asked a 28-year-old policewoman with short purple hair.

"Matsushima Danchō!" -Asami exclaimed while making a military salute to his superior- "Just a little friction between the civilians, everything is resolved"

"Ok, don't forget to report any strange occurrences" -

agreed Matsushima - "Better safe than sorry"

"Sennorita Matsushima... I think I saw something moving in the distance" Tamaru said as he looked out the window. They had decided that one of the policemen would face north in a somewhat dangerous area since zombies appeared from time to time while one of the survivors would face south, which was not difficult since the window of the 'zone safe' pointed in that direction.

"?" -Matsushima was surprised when she heard that so she went to the window, only to see that indeed something was approaching the supermarket-"I wish I had some binoculars..."

She could identify that it was a group that was approaching but because of the low visibility, it could be anything, even another group of zombies looking for food.

"Not to brag but my eyesight is one of the few things I'm proud of"- Tamaru said as he scratched his cheek- "And I think they are survivors"

"!" - Those present were surprised but their hopes remained the same. Honestly, they didn't expect more survivors to come to this place, not when until recently, it was teeming with zombies. They out of sheer luck survived the first wave of 'They!


"!" - The survivors were surprised again, since that sound was that of a machine gun firing.

"Are they crazy?!" Shimada exclaimed when he calmed down, "Don't they know those things have excellent hearing?!"

"Weird...why aren't there as many zombies as before?" Asami asked with a frown.

Matsushima was surprised when she noticed this because it was obvious that the amount of zombies in the surroundings had decreased drastically- "Maybe it's because of the sound of that explosion?"

If that was the reason, then they were in luck because they would be able to get the help they needed, soon.