
Two days had passed since Cloud and the others had returned to the Military Camp.

Saya and Yuriko hadn't shown each other all this time while Cloud was quietly waiting. There was little left for the second week to end, leaving only 6 more for his stay in this world to end. He had used this time to be able to train as much as he could for any possible situation, especially the military combat style.

Rei had been accompanying Saya while Saeko, Shizuka and Kyoko were talking to Yuriko. Miku was continuing to practice first aid techniques on him.

Cloud felt that he had already spent too much time, so he decided that it was time for him to get to work to solve this but he was surprised when he saw how Saya walked in his direction with Rei-"? Something happens?"

"We have to talk" - Saya said seriously.

"Ok"-nodded the blonde as he wiped the sweat from practicing.


"Yuriko-san... I think it's time for you to talk to Saya-san one more time" - Saeko said calmly - "I know it still hurts that she treated you like that but I'm sure it was just the heat of the day. moment"

"I'm not sure, girls"-the woman sighed as she shook her head.

"Come on, I'm sure everything will be alright~" Shizuka smiled as she hugged her new sister.

Yuriko smiled when this happened because she sincerely felt that she healed her wounds by being around such a kind and warm woman- "Ok... I'll try"

"So you talk"-Kyoko nodded as she gave him a smile-"Although I'm still curious to know how you two ended up doing it"

"Things just happened that way"-replied the yakuza woman simply because she honestly couldn't explain the reason.


"It's time for us to clarify some things, Cloud" - Saya said seriously - "But first... what do you think of us?"

"We?" Cloud asked in surprise as he looked at the two girls.

"Rei, Miku and me" - Saya answered.

"Miku too?" -Cloud could only raise an eyebrow when he heard this- "Let's see... you are beautiful, each in her own way. Your bodies are the envy of many women and you are important to me... after all, we know each other by years"

". . ." - The two girls nodded when they heard this.

"What if I told you we wanted to go out with you?" Saya asked curiously.

"You know very well my current situation" - the blond answered immediately - "I know you girls, you may not want to admit it but you are proud and possessive"

"Hears!" - The two frowned when they heard this although they had to admit that it was true. They didn't want to share the boy they liked but now they had no choice so they were trying something else.

"I'm sorry to tell you that things won't turn out the way you think"-Cloud said as he shook his head. He understood that with the way these two girls were, they would try to make him only look at them, that was why he had not decided to go out with any of them during all these years.

". . ." - The girls decided to leave when they heard this.

"I hope you understand the situation better..." denied the blonde as he continued training.


"Didn't it go as expected?" Miku asked with a teasing smile.

"If you don't help, don't get involved" - Saya said with annoyance.

"And I thought that you would know Cloud-kun better"-Miku snorted as she looked at her two friends-"Let me tell you that if things continue like this, you will be left behind"

"You will too" - Rei said with annoyance.

"That's where you're wrong" - Miku said with disdain - "Unlike you, I understand the situation well enough to know that he won't leave any of his girls behind at the whim of another... if so , he better not be with that girl"

"You can complain all you want but this is a fact"-Miku said as he walked away-"Remember... Cloud won't abandon anyone for being with you, so you better change that spoiled girl mentality"

"Saya-chan...I'd like to talk to you..."-Yuriko said when she finally found her daughter.

"Ok..."- Saya said in a bad way. It wasn't that she was mad at her mother after calming down, it's just that things weren't going the way she wanted and that bothered her.


Two days had passed since Cloud talked with Rei and Saya.

Things were back to normal, or so it seemed.

Yuriko and Saya had returned to the group although they were still a bit tense. Rei was a bit upset lately but she quickly calmed down. Miku was like nothing, although she could see a little more animated. On the other hand, the girls who were with Cloud, were as if nothing.

Kohta had come to the blonde to tell him that he had finally started a relationship with Asami, the police that they had rescued from Taiei. Takashi was happy with his girlfriend and his mother.

Rika had shown herself from time to time though she always appeared with a frown, which surprised Yuriko. Shizuka and Cloud. They tried to ask her why but she just replied with something like "it's personal".

"I think we should do something to change things"-Kyoko said as she looked at her teammates-"Even I can understand that everyone is tense in one way or another"

"What have you thought of?" Yuriko asked with a frown. She didn't want to admit it but the teacher was right. Things were back to normal but you could tell that everything was fixed with patches. Everything seemed normal but a single accident and everything would be destroyed again.

"Why don't we have a little party?" - asked Kyoko with a smile - "I'm sure that with that, we can relax a bit"

"I can ask Amami for some beers" - agreed Yuriko - "We've done more than enough for the moment so I don't find a problem with asking for them"

"Can I invite Rika-chan?" - asked Shizuka - "She has also been acting strange these last few days"

"I have no problem" - Cloud replied while the others nodded.

"Yeh~!" Shizuka exclaimed as she hugged her boyfriend "Thank you, Cloud-chan~!"

"You're welcome" - the blonde smiled as he returned the hug.

"I guess it's already decided"-said Saya as she shook her head, although she had to admit that this was a good idea to relax after all these problems.

"We'll have the party tonight" - Cloud said while the others nodded.

"Who's going to ask Kohta and Takashi?" - Rei asked as Miku raised her hand - "I'm going... I don't have much to do now"

"Thank you Miku-chan~" - Shizuka said - "I'll inform Rika-chan~"

"I guess we have to organize things"-Yuriko said as she shook her head.


Time moved quickly and it was already night.

The group had already started the party and everyone was enjoying it in their own way.

Rika and Shizuka were drinking in a corner as they reminisced about the past.

Saya, Miku and Rei were dancing with a can of beer in hand. Nobody said anything about this because as it was, this would be the least of their problems.

Kohta and Asami were sitting quietly enjoying the party.

Takashi and Airi were dancing in a corner while their mother watched them with a smile.

Yuriko and Kyoko were enjoying their little beer drinking competition while supporting Cloud and Saeko who were doing a test of strength.

"My victory"-Cloud said as he gave the Kendo champion a can of beer-"Your turn"

"I know," Saeko snorted in annoyance as she reached for the can, "Ah~!"

"I still don't understand why Saeko does that when she knows that she can't handle Cloud-kun's superhuman strength" -said Kyoko who was a little dizzy.

"Maybe she wants her to get drunk and let it all get 'hot'?" Yuriko asked as she watched as the girl took off the shirt she was wearing, exposing her purple bra-"I think I hit the mark~"

"Don't look, Kohta-kun!" Asami said as she pressed her new boyfriend's face to her modest breasts so she wouldn't see the Kendo champion's voluptuous body.

"Hmph~! Hmph~!" -Kohta could hardly breathe although inside he thought that if he died in this way, it wouldn't be such a bad idea.

"Ara~Ara~!" -Kaede only smiled when she saw how bold the purple-haired girl was but her smile grew even bigger when she saw how the other students began to do the same as they walked towards the blonde-"This is getting getting interesting~"

"I think we should go, Okaasan"-Takashi said as he shook his head-"You've had more than enough and Airi also wants to go rest"

"Rest?" - Kaede smiled as she looked at her son - "Takashi... don't lie to your mother... I've been able to hear how they 'rest' every night to the point that I'm praying that they find your father quickly so I can enjoy a bit of that 'rest'"

"!" -Takashi blushed when he heard her mother say this but quickly decided to ignore him as he led her away.

"I think we'd better go too" Asami said as she watched as things got a little more heated at the party...


I'm back >.<

In next chapter I will tell you my updating schedule >.<