Chapter-52<*Last Mission*>

Two days had passed quickly and the group was once again ready to go.

From the expressions of the soldiers, you could see how tired they were but after Amami promised that this would be the last mission, they reluctantly accepted, although inside they knew that after this, there would be a new last mission. But what they didn't know was that this really would be the last.

The army had managed to clean up most of it, at least 75% of the city, and only one last area remained. The Search and Rescue group was not only in charge of rescuing the survivors, but also of killing the hostile forces that remained in the areas that showed signs of life, be they zombies or human beings, that is why the military called to this small force, the Judges, a group capable of sentencing those who do not follow the rules of humanity no matter who they were in the past.

"I think it's time we started" - the blonde sighed - "Will you do us the honors?"

"Aren't you the leader now?" Yuriko asked with a half smile.

"I only found out two days ago..." - the blond replied - "Now... would you be so kind as to give the signal?"

"Okay... Let's go!" Yuriko exclaimed.

"Hai!" - the soldiers exclaimed as they got into their assigned vehicles.

[Remaining time for mission completion... 13 days... 0 hours... 20 minutes... 2 seconds...]

"Let's get this over with quickly…" Cloud muttered as Yuriko nodded.

* * * * *

"According to the general's report... this area showed signs of life..." Saya said as she adjusted her glasses.

"Any classification?" Cloud asked as he looked at the girl.

"Rank C" - Saya replied - "According to the remains they saw, we were able to identify that they are cannibals"

"Great… I hate those bastards" Cloud snorted as he frowned. If there was something he hated more than rapists, it was cannibals because they not only raped their prey, but after that they killed and ate them, real sons of bitches - "Anything else?"

"We sent a group of forensic experts protected by soldiers and according to his report, they only found men's bones"-Saya replied seriously-"It's likely..."

"This couldn't be more perfect, not only do we have a group of cannibals, but they are also 'farmers'..." - the blonde's expression couldn't be worse. Farmers, was a term that they had adopted for those groups of cannibals who devoured the men but kept the women not only to satisfy their needs, but also to have a stable food source. To them, women were nothing more than cattle that they could kill at any time - "You know what? Let's get this over with quickly... mercilessly"

"Mercilessly!" - the soldiers roared. They didn't need to listen anymore, the cannibals were the worst they could find in the city because they had made the decision to leave their humanity behind. The rapists at least kept their victim in good shape, so did the 'Dealers' with their wares, even the wildest groups still maintained a certain level of humanity but the 'Farmers' were a separate issue.

"Going!" - The blond exclaimed as the group began to move.

It didn't take them long to get to the scene and annihilate all those sons of bitches, finally freeing the captives, although as expected, many of them had received considerable psychological damage and when they were safe, the first thing they did was commit suicide.

"There are things that don't change…" the blonde sighed as he shook his head, "They didn't deserve that fate…"

"At least a group of them still maintain a strong will to live..." - Yuriko sighed - "Although..."

"I know... it's likely that at least 90% abort the babies..." - Cloud said seriously - "Although I can't blame them"

The little ones were not to blame but for their mothers, they were a cruel reminder of what had happened.

"As much as I'd like to tell them not to, we can't get into their lives..." - the yakuza woman sighed - "Even the babies may not have the life they deserve..."

"Tell them not to worry about the babies... when they're born we'll send them to an orphanage... at least there they can have a normal life" - the blonde said as he looked at the women - "They won't have to worry about them. .. and who knows... it is possible that one day they will recover and want to be together again, after all, the feeling of a mother is great..."

". . ." Yuriko nodded when she heard these words. For her daughter, she would do anything and she was sure that any mother would think the same-"You're right... maybe they need a little peace to think about their situation..."

* * * * *

The days continued to advance for the group and a week had passed.

The Search and Rescue Squad was touring the last area they had to check.

"A week… a fucking week…" the blonde sighed as he felt this was ridiculous.

[Time to complete the mission... 5 days... 23 hours... 2 minutes... 5 seconds...]

The squad had been covering practically the entire city while the army completely concentrated on the last point of infection.

"I swear I'm going to hit Amami" - Cloud muttered with a frown.

"The feeling is shared…" Yuriko replied as she saw how all the soldiers in the group were frowning-"At least this is the last place…"

"I swear, if Amami sends us another message, I'm going to put a bullet in her ass" - Cloud said angrily.

"Look on the positive side, we haven't fought against those things lately" - Saya said - "The only boring thing has been going around the city from one place to another to make sure there are no problems"

"I agree with Saya-chan~" - Shizuka said with a smile - "Everything is quiet and that's good~"

Rika felt the blonde's words, although this was not surprising since after her confession, she supported whatever decision Shizuka made.

"Anyway, we'd better get this over with" - the blond sighed - "First we'll go to the survivors and then we'll clean up the place"

"Hai!" - exclaimed the soldiers, they would finally end all this shit.

* * * * *

"Come on whore, move faster!" said an obese man as he hit a woman.

"H-Hai..."-the poor woman could only nod in fear as tears ran down her cheeks. A week had passed since she and her sister had arrived at the place to be safe, only to discover that this was a hell worse than the one outside. Women were treated as slaves of all kinds, especially sexual, they had no right or vote in the place and were treated as if they were a coin.

"I hope you do a good job or I swear I'm going to make a group of 10 men have a good time with you and your sister"-said the obese man as a dark smile appeared on his face. He wouldn't lie, he felt like heaven controlling all these people. His name was Ichiro Shido, the father of Koichi Shido, a corrupt man who enjoyed seeing women's expressions of suffering when he took them by force. He found that seeing those expressions full of pain was something fantastic.

". . ." The woman just nodded as she began to give him a blowjob. It was not the first time that she had to do this, in fact, she had no choice because otherwise, her younger sister, a girl of only 13 years, would have to do all these things.

"You've improved... but it's not enough..." - Ichiro said with a half smile - "I'll give you one last chance... do better or I swear your sister will have a good time with my boys"

Tears began to pool in the woman's eyes as she continued to work.

"Much better" Ichiro nodded but he frowned when he heard someone approaching her room. He had made it clear that no one was to interrupt his fun.

"Sorry to interrupt, Ichiro-sama!" - exclaimed a muscular man.

"Speak quickly, Ken"-Ichiro said with a frown upon seeing his right hand man. This man was the reason why he had absolute control of 50 survivors, but more importantly, 20 women.

"A group of vehicles is approaching and by the looks of it, they are military" - Ken said seriously.

"Finally! I swear I'm going to have a good talk with that bastard Amami!" - Ichiro exclaimed angrily - "That son of a bitch should have come to save me weeks ago!"

"Go away, I'm in a good mood today"-Ichiro said as he looked at the woman-"But I want you to come get me tomorrow because I'm going to enjoy you properly"

". . ." The woman only nodded weakly as she left.

Ken looked lustfully at the woman who was leaving, she was of excellent quality, the best in the whole place.

"You can stay with her when I get bored" - Ichiro said calmly. He wouldn't treat his men badly, much less the one he had made all this possible.

"I appreciate it, Ichiro-sama"-Ken said calmly, although he could tell how excited he was. That woman not only had big boobs, but also a prominent ass.

"You can think about how to enjoy it later, now let's go meet those idiots"-Ichiro snorted as he walked towards the entrance, not knowing that her fate was about to become the same as her son's.

* * * * * * ** * *

I'm going to change some things with the final development of this volume, first, not Lemon with Rika for obvious reasons, second, I'm going to leave some things for other volumes, such as the revelation of Miku's past, although this time it will be less heavy , not because I find that it was too much, but because it will be easier to overcome, also this way it can mean a method of overcoming for some other character that could come out in the future, for example (It will not necessarily be her). Sakura Matou from Fate... who better support than someone who has been through something similar?

There is little left to finish this volume, two chapters, or even one, for him to return to his original world.

The Stats section will now be much more detailed with a short introduction and some definitions of Skills, in addition to some new Stats of some characters, such as Yuriko's [Charm], [Karma] It will be one of these, although these stats of their own They will be explained there as well.