Chapter-55<*Home and Rewards*>

The girls and Cloud slowly opened their eyes and noticed how they were on some kind of tropical island.

"Where we are?" Saya asked with a frown.

"I'll be honest... I don't know..." - Cloud said seriously.

"How do you not know where we are?!" Saya exclaimed furiously.

"This was not the place where I was transported to your world..." - Cloud replied seriously.

[I can explain that myself]

"?" - Those present were surprised when they saw how a pop-up screen appeared in front of them.

[Greetings, I'm... the System Moderator so to speak...]

"Do you know him?" Yuriko asked curiously.

"In fact, yes, he was the one who transformed me into who I am and gave me the ability to travel to his world"-the blonde agreed.

[Ahem! I'm sorry to interrupt but we better get straight to the point because I'm going to be honest... I don't get paid overtime...]

". . ." - Those present only remained silent.

[Difficult post... anyway, I'm sure you're wondering where they are and the answer is quite simple... I transported them to an uninhabited island]

"Reason?" Rei asked with annoyance.

[Because it will be easier for you to adapt to this new world, not to mention that you are famous in this place]

"What do you mean with that?" - Miku asked with dissatisfaction.

[You better see for yourselves]


In front of the girls, a book appeared, one that they recognized quite well.

"Sleeve?" Saya asked as she took it but she was surprised to see not only the title, but also the characters on the cover-"Is that us?!"

[Indeed... in this world, you guys are manga characters, you're a fiction...]

The girls fell silent when they heard this as a great sense of crisis appeared in their hearts. The only one who was calm was Yuriko, who had already been informed beforehand.

[Don't worry, you guys are completely real... these books were written by someone who had traveled to her world and had experienced everything first hand... it's just that at some point he died and was reborn here with his memories erased]

"If he or she had the memories erased... how could he possibly remember our appearances and the 'plot' of our lives so precisely?" Saya asked as she continued reading the book but the more she did, the worse her expression became.

[ dear Saya Takagi...dreams made the hidden memories of her come to the surface again, after all, the mind is a wonderful thing...]

"Ok, I guess we better change the subject" - Saeko said seriously - "This is getting too weird for my liking, so let's get straight to the point... what do we have to do in this place?"

[Really, you just have to buy some things with the system and live in peace in this place... the System has all kinds of things, from something as simple as a pencil, to something as complex as an interplanetary ship, although honestly not I recommend buying it because it's a waste of time... mostly because it's useless in this world and can't be used in others. By the way, you can also buy things like mansions, airports with a plane included to get out of here, or even ships... it all really depends on how skillful you are or how many points you spend]

[As an extra fact, basic things like canned food or blankets are worth less than one point, even one point can be enough to buy many things like that]

"I feel like you're hiding something else from us" - Cloud said seriously.

[In a way, yes... I sent them to this island not only to calmly acclimatize to this world, but also to create a new authoritative place. I'm going to be honest with you, your world is about to change, Cloud Strife...]

"What are you talking about?!" The blond exclaimed. He may not love this world like other people but that didn't mean he didn't, after all, this is the world he lived in all these years with his mother and his grandmother.

[I can't go into details because I don't have the authorization to do so... I'll just tell you that things will get murky very soon. The world as you know it may change when you return to solid ground]

". . ." - Not only Cloud, but also the other girls remained completely silent.

[As I said before, what I seek is for you to create a new... Territory is what you call it in your plane of existence? Let's just leave it at that, I want you to create a Territory ruled by you because things are about to get crazy]

[All the tools to achieve this, are in the system, although some are locked by your world level because it would be too bad for you to get technology or things that could cause an imbalance in world power]

[As a side note, you can also expand the island, to the point that you could consider it a new continent... this is not a problem for the planet because it will grow over time]

"Ok, that doesn't sound believable anymore!" - Saya exclaimed with annoyance - "How is it possible that a planet grows just for the sake of it?"

[Because that will be one of the reasons for the change. You may not understand it but this world is much more important than you think and very soon you will understand it]

Saying that, the pop-up screen disappeared, leaving those present in complete silence.

"I don't understand anything…" Shizuka muttered with a frown.

"I think we'd better leave this for another time" - Yuriko said seriously - "First, we don't have any additional information. Second, if what he or she said is true, then we'd better prepare as best we can." "

[Sorry for the delay, it's time to deliver the reward... analyzing...]


[Mandatory Mission Completed... All main targets, rescued... Mission Rank A]

[Optional Mission Completed... All have been confirmed as successful... Rank A -> S+]

[Chain Mission Completed... Number of Zombies dropped... 2000... Rank S+-> SS+]

[Completed Side Quests within the World... 2... Rank SS+-> SSS+]

[Assigning Rewards... SSS Rank+ World 0]

[2,000,000 SP, 10 Skill Points, 100 Stat Points]

[Assigning Side Mission Rewards...Adjusting]

[100,000 SP, 5 Skill Points, 50 Stats Point, 2 Spinners (Editable)]

[Calculating total number of benefits...current user level...20]

[2,100,000 SP, 15 Skill Points, 350 Stats Points, 2 Wheels (Editable)... finalizing rewards... enabling shop and other services... good job, User]


When she finished speaking, everything went silent again.

"This is practically the model of a game..." - Saya said as she began to analyze the situation - "The more missions you complete, the more enemies you kill, the greater the benefits you can get by completing the worlds, although of course, there is no Respawn... at least not for now... because we don't know if there is any item that allows something like that"

"I say that first of all, let's check the options we can buy... I don't think it's a good idea for us to sleep outdoors" - Saeko said with a frown.

Cloud nodded at this and quickly started going through the options with the girls.

"This is impressive..." Yuriko muttered as she looked at the list- "They even come with pictures so you can choose better"

"They aren't as expensive as I had thought either... although this may be because they don't directly benefit Cloud" - Saya muttered when she noticed that the best 'house' only cost 1,000 SP and this was because it was literally huge and It was fully equipped, be it beds, kitchen, among other things.

"It's bigger than the Takagi mansion..." - Yuriko said with surprise - "It even has a fully equipped gym, as well as a small room with different weapons... I say we buy it"

"I have no problem with it" - nodded the blonde as he pressed buy, only for right in front of them, a large mansion magically appeared - "Ok, I have to admit that was great... but now we have a little problem ...we don't have anyone who can clean up this whole monstrosity"

"That's simple... it seems that despite being technologically advanced, you can buy cleaning and cooking robots" - Rei said with surprise - "They are also cheap because they have no other function apart from those that are already programmed, they also cannot be modified to do other things..."

"That fixes things" -the blonde nodded as he bought 10 because the house was massive, although luckily for him, each one only cost 10 SP. He quickly started buying extra supplies for a better home. First, he bought a power generator that could absorb not only solar energy, but also electricity in case there was a storm. He then bought some recreational areas for the group to relax after training such as Hot Springs, Pool, Sauna and a direct path to the beach where they had built a small cabin. It could be said that they were now living a good life, although this was normal seeing that now he practically had to risk his life. The second thing he built was a small airport and a dock for a small ship, these were not useless because both Yuriko and Rika knew how to drive them. Finally, he bought a large amount of clothes, which were honestly extremely cheap.

He spent about 50,000 SP on all of this, pretty little compared to all the points he had.

"Somehow I feel that this is not so bad"-Rika said with a small smile on her face-"Maybe being your recruit is the best decision I've ever made"