Chapter-74<* Battle-III *>

". . ." -Cecilia's expression changed when she noticed how Ichika's appearance had changed to a much more streamlined one, but it became even more unreadable when she noticed how her bullet had been destroyed by the movement of her opponent's weapon . She couldn't believe the speed boost the boy had achieved just by going into Second Shift.

"Go!" Ichika exclaimed as he unconsciously began to burn his shield to increase his speed. "It's time to end this!"

Cecilia frowned when she realized that all of this was getting out of her hands. Not only had she not ended the battle with her shot, but also Ichika had managed to increase her power in an almost ridiculous way. It was as if fate was in favor of the boy in front of her and that bothered her because she felt as if he got power only with luck while she and many others had to suffer to get a raise of less than 5%.

"I agree with you on that..."-said Cecilia as she watched the boy. She could see how his speed had increased considerably but she also noticed how his shoulder was becoming more transparent. It was obvious that she was consuming his energy without his control.

"Yukihira MK 2!" Ichika exclaimed as his sword glowed brighter.

"Blue Blaster!" Cecilia exclaimed as she increased his energy consumption in order to speed up his escape in case Ichika got dangerously close. She wouldn't let Ichika get close again.

"Here I go!" The boy exclaimed as he flew at high speed towards Cecilia.

* * * * *

"I feel that Cecilia is not showing the true ability of her weapon"-Cloud said calmly as he saw how the girl was still as if nothing-"It is possible that Ichika is walking into a trap"

". . ." -Houki only kept silent because she had also noticed something strange, although he wasn't the only one because Chifuyu and Tatenashi were thinking the same thing.

"I guess now we will see the true power of a representative"-Cloud said as his gaze sharpened. He could feel his heart start to beat faster as a feral grin spread across his face.

"Are you okay?" Houki asked in surprise. It was the second time she had seen that expression on the blonde.

"I'm sorry...I lost control for a moment..."-the blonde answered as he calmed down a bit, although he could still hear his heart beating-"I guess I'm going to have to go train when this battle is over"

". . ." Houki could only look at him in confusion but still nodded at his words.

"Hmm... this is interesting..." Cloud said when he noticed a slight change in the girl from UK.

"What's going on?" Houki asked curiously.

"You'll find out in a few seconds" - replied the blond.

* * * * *

"Ok, now that's a surprise"-said Tatenashi as he narrowed his eyes.

"What's wrong Kaichou?" - asked the vice president.

"That Cecilia-san looks like she's about to break a barrier," Tatenashi said seriously, "She's about to discover her [Unique Ability] of hers."

"!" - The girls were surprised when they heard this, after all, the discovery of a [Unique Ability] was something that very few achieved. A deep connection between Pilot and IS was needed.

"Let's see what kind of skill it will be" - smiled Tatenashi. She was sincerely excited to find more people who managed to find her [Unique Ability] of hers because they showed the talent that they had. The faster the Pilot managed to discover her ability, the more talented she was.

* * * * *

"This is a good discovery…" Chifuyu said as her gaze sharpened, "Who would have thought that Alcott would manage to discover his [Unique Ability] from him in this battle?"

"Shouldn't you be worried about Orimura-kun?" Maya asked as she looked at her friend.

"No..."-Chifuyu denied-"I have confidence in Ichika. He already showed more than he needed"

Maya only answered her with a smile.

* * * * *

Cecilia could only open her eyes in surprise as she felt her heart pounding. She was feeling as if everything around her was going extremely slow- "What's going on?"

The girl slowly looked around her and noticed how her [Blue Blaster] of hers, glowed slightly.

"A case?" the girl muttered in surprise as she gripped her weapon tightly, "Activate!"

[Command Accepted...]

In front of the girl's right eye, a small color tracker appeared as a large amount of information entered her mind through her connection with hers [Blue Tears] of hers.

"I see…" the girl muttered as her gaze sharpened, "[Smart Shot]!"

The Assault Rifle's muzzle quickly expanded a bit and without hesitation the girl pressed the trigger twice - "Fire!"

Cecilia's shot was directed at high speed towards Ichika, who without much effort dodged the attack. As he approached the girl, he felt something strange was happening because Cecilia didn't seem to have even aimed at him- "Did she just give up? Impossible... Cecilia-san would never do something like that..."

But before he could wonder any further, the answer came abruptly against him, because the shot he had dodged was once again coming at him— "What's going on?!"

* * * * *

"I see…" the blonde muttered as his gaze sharpened, "An interesting skill…"

Houki was surprised to see what was happening. The shot that Cecilia had executed had abruptly changed direction and she was once again heading towards Ichika.

"The name [Smart Shot] suits her very well...don't you think so, Houki?" - Cloud said with a smile - "From what I can gather, Cecilia can change the direction of her shots at will... now the question is... how long can she control the direction of her shot? executing her skill? Can she control more than one shot?

Houki tried to say something but she didn't know exactly what to say.

"That ability has a lot of potential..." -continued the blond-haired boy while he rubbed his chin- "Now I'm curious to know how far Cecilia can go if she can control her ability to the maximum"

* * * * *

"That skill~"-Tatenashi couldn't contain the emotion she felt-"In the hands of a skilled Sniper like Cecilia, it's deadly!"

"She will be a good match with a little more training" –said the blue haired girl as she returned to watch the battle- "Now… what will you do, Orimura-kun?"

* * * * *

"Shit!" Ichika exclaimed as he dodged Cecilia's attack again. The situation was starting to turn bad for him, much more so than before. First, he was consuming his shield from having [Yukihira MK 2] activated and now his energy level was below 15%. Second, Cecilia's shots were getting harder and harder to dodge because it seemed like the girl was getting used to her new ability.

"I have to thank you, Ichika-san" - Cecilia said seriously - "If it wasn't for the great amount of pressure you put me through... I wouldn't have been able to increase my connection level with [Blue Tears] and I would never have been able to activate my [Unique Ability]... that's why I'm going to end this battle once and for all. It's the least I can do, fight with everything I have to show you the respect you deserve."

[Shield level, under 30%]

Cecilia frowned as she noted how she had increased her energy consumption, though this was obvious from the sheer amount of overexertion she had put into controlling her shots.

"All or nothing…" the boy muttered as he watched as Cecilia's shot came from behind him- "If this doesn't work, the battle will be over… but at least they won't say I didn't try"

Ichika just gritted his teeth as he advanced on Cecilia, not caring about the shot that came hurtling towards him.

"What is he doing?" The girl wondered in surprise but she quickly decided to put everything aside. She just had to hit her shot and it would all be over.

"Now!" -exclaimed the boy as he slowed down his attack, but when he did, Cecilia's shot hit him full-"ARGH!"

Ichika could feel how he was advancing at high speed.

[Shield under 5%... caution... Shield under 5%]

"Now!" The boy roared again as he sped up against Cecilia again.

"What?!" - The girl could not believe what the boy had done. He had used the impact of her shot to increase the speed of her SI- "No!"

"This ends now! Yukihiraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" The boy exclaimed as he attacked with all his might.

"I think that's enough..." - the two fighters were surprised to notice how Ichika's attack had stopped in the middle of nowhere.

"Hey?" - the black-haired boy couldn't believe what had happened - "Why are you stopping me, Cloud?"

"You are idiot?" asked Cloud, who was using his [Raiden]-"Don't you know how your [Unique Ability] works?"

"Ignore all kinds of energies to land a knockout blow?" - Ichika replied simply.

" tell me...what would happen if you hit someone who is off guard with a sharp sword that ignores shields?" Cloud asked seriously.

"!" -Ichika was surprised when he got to the answer-"I..."

"Yes... you would have seriously injured her... possibly you would have killed her because she would have run out of energy and she would have fallen to the ground without being able to do anything to prevent it"-Cloud said seriously.

". . ." -Ichika was silent when he heard this but his terrified expression was more than enough proof that he didn't know how to react to his friend's words.


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