
The morning continued to advance and classes had already started.

The group from Class 1-A were at the Academy Arena to see a new match, something quite common these days.

"How do you think Cloud will do?" Ichika asked seriously.

"He will win easily" - Charlotte, Cecilia and Houki responded almost immediately. They were completely sure that it would not cost Cloud anything to beat Laura.

The other girls in the Class also thought the same, although this was due to the fact that Cloud was much more popular than the cold and always annoying Laura Bodewig.

"Hi guys!" Rin exclaimed as she ran to where Ichika's group was.

"Rin?! What are you doing here?!" Ichika exclaimed in surprise.

"The high command of the Academy gave permission so that the cadets representing the different nations could see the combat" -Rin said with a smile as he pointed in different directions.

"First her, her name Velvet Hell, her third year and one of the cadets representing Greece"-Rin said as she pointed to a beautiful woman with long red hair that reached her hips. Her beautiful yellow-green eyes, pale complexion, and prominent body that couldn't be hidden by her conservative uniform, made her stand out in the midst of the group. Beside her, there was a petite girl with blue hair pulled into a side ponytail- "Beside her is Forte Sapphire, a second year student and also a representative of Greece."

"Second year? Are you sure?" - Ichika asked with surprise - "She seems to still be in elementary school"

"I just hope she doesn't hear you say those words"- Rin sighed as she shook her head- "Or worse, that her girlfriend heard you..."

"Girlfriend?!" The girls exclaimed in surprise.

"Didn't you know? Forte is dating Daryl Casey, third year and representative of America"-Rin said as she shrugged her shoulders. She didn't really care what kind of relationships the others had, as long as it didn't affect her progress with Ichika.

The girls looked in the direction where her new friend was pointing, only to notice how a beautiful girl with blonde hair messy in the front and styled in a ponytail was looking at them with a smile.

"How shameless!" - Cecilia exclaimed when she noticed the liberal appearance that girl had. She was wearing the shortest skirt she had ever seen during her stay at the Academy but what made it worse (for her), was that the girl was wearing black lace stockings along with a cleavage so low that they could see her black bra. along with its generous front.

"They say that in America they are much more liberal"-Rin answered as she shrugged her shoulders, although she had to admit that she was jealous of the girl. She was not only sexy, but she had no shame in hiding it.

"Rin-chan!" A girl exclaimed as she came running towards where the aforementioned was.

She was a pretty girl with blond hair styled in a ponytail and tied with a black scarf. Her cute face and big blue eyes made her look extremely innocent, though this was in stark contrast to her large breasts that were comparable to Houki's.

"Tina?! What are you doing here?!" Rin exclaimed in surprise but her expression changed to one of annoyance when she felt the girl hug her tightly, "Let go of me! You big-breasted demon!"

"Mou! Don't be mean to me!" The girl now called Tina exclaimed as she puffed out her cheeks in annoyance.

"Who is she Rin?" Ichika asked in confusion but her expression changed from hers when she noticed how the girl was looking at him carefully. "I-Is something wrong?"

"Hmm~?" Tina slowly shifted her gaze to her friend, "Is he the boy you told me about?"

"Yes" - Rin nodded firmly.

"I see..." Tina nodded as her expression changed again "Hello~! My name is Tina Hamilton~!"

"Tina..." - Rin muttered upon noticing the surprised expression of the girls.

"Ups, I'm sorry!" - Tina exclaimed with embarrassment - "It's a little bad habit I have... when I talk to a person for the first time, I always speak in my native language"

"Don't worry, it's something that sometimes happens to me"- Cecilia smiled as she began to talk with the girl in English.

"Tina... introduce yourself well"-Rin said as she held the bridge of her nose.

"Certain!" Tina exclaimed as she gave them a big smile, "Like I said before, my name is Tina Hamilton and I'm a freshman, specifically speaking I'm in the same class as Rin... I'm also one of the United States Representative Cadets "

The girls gave her new friend a surprised look who just shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know what they're surprised about, seeing as Representatives almost always hang out with each other..."

"Hmm... interesting... Tatenashi Kaichou also came along with the student council..." Tina said as her gaze changed as she saw how a beautiful girl with blue hair and red eyes walked along with a group of people in her address.

"Kaichou?" Ichika asked.

"You really don't know anything?" Tina asked as she gave her friend Rin de Ella a look.

"What can I say, he hasn't been in the IS world for long"-said the girl from China as she scratched her cheek.

"Anyway, she is Tatenashi Sarashiki, the student council president and the strongest Pilot among the students" - Tina said seriously - "You could say that she is the goal of all the students"

"Thanks for the introduction"-said Tatenashi as she looked at the group-"It's nice to see you once again, Shinonono Houki-san, Cecilia Alcott-san"

"The feeling is mutual, Tatenashi Kaichou" - said Houki although you could tell that she was a little uncomfortable.

"I-Likewise..." - smiled Cecilia.

"?" - Those present could only look at this in confusion since they never thought that their two friends would meet the strongest girl in the Academy.

"Hello girls~! Orimu~!" Honne said with a big smile as her fox brooches moved happily.

"Nohotoke-san?!" - exclaimed the boys of Class 1-A.

"Mou! How many times have I told you to call me Nohohon-san?" Honne said as she puffed out her cheeks, only to moan in pain when she felt the third-year girl with them hit her on the head with her book-"Behave Honne-chan"

"That hurt, Onee-chan!" Honne exclaimed as she stroked her head.

"Onee-chan?!" - Those present exclaimed when they noticed how little alike the two sisters were.

"A pleasure, my name is Nohotoke Utsuho, older sister of Honne-chan and vice president of the student council"-said the girl as she adjusted her glasses-"A pleasure"

"Not to sound rude but you guys don't look alike at all"-Ichika said as he was looked at with annoyance by the other girls.

"I've been told many times…" Utsuho sighed as she looked at her smiling little sister, "Though I wouldn't trade my troublesome little little sister for the world…"

"I love you too, Onee-chan~!" Honne smiled as he looked at her sister fondly.

"What do you think of this battle, Tatenashi Kaichou?" Houki asked seriously. If she was the strongest girl in the Academy, then she would have an unbiased opinion of the match.

"Hmm... I don't have much information about the participants"-said Tatenashi as she looked away for a few seconds and to her surprise, seeing how a girl very similar to her, was looking in her direction.

"Is something wrong, Kaichou?" - Cecilia asked with surprise when noticing the change in the girl's expression.

"Oh...sorry...I fell in the middle of my thoughts"-said Tatenashi as she covered her mouth with her trusty fan-"Referring to the battle...I'll just say that Laura Bodewig is much more problematic than they think"

"What does she mean?" Charlotte asked with a frown.

"This information is not classified but it is difficult to obtain" - Tatenashi said while looking at the disguised girl - "Laura Bodewig was not only trained by Orimura sensei during her stay in Germany, but she was also one of the few survivors of a project German secret..."

". . ." - The girls could only look with concern at the entrance where the blond would come out.

"What do you think of Kuku?" Honne asked as she looked at her sister's teacher.

"He's someone interesting~" - the student council president smiled as she carefully observed the girls' expressions - "But as for the fight... I'm not too sure either because the information I have about Cloud Strife is almost non-existent... "

"Tatenashi-sama…" Utsuho said as she pointed in a certain direction.

"Ho~? This just got a little more interesting... I never thought I'd see that woman in this place" Tatenashi said as he looked with amusement at the place where she had pointed her Maid.

The girls turned to look, only to notice a woman with breasts comparable to Maya's, curly green hair pulled into two pigtails. She was wearing a standard IS pilot suit under a white lab coat that nicely defined her prominent body.

"Who is she?" Ichika asked.

"Seriously, Rin…you need to let your boyfriend know a bit…" Tina sighed as she held the bridge of her nose.

Rin and Ichika blushed at her words when they heard them.

"This is Kagaribi Hikaruno, director of the Kuromochi Research Center" -said Utsuho-"If I have to say the reason why she is here, I guess she is curious about Cloud Strife's weaponry"

The girls were about to say something but fell silent when they heard Chifuyu's announcement.

[The battle between Germany's Laura Bodewig and Cloud Strife... is about to begin... please return to your seats]

"This is exciting~" Tatenashi said with a happy smile as she looked at the girl with blue hair and glasses who was sitting in the distance.


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