Chapter-109 ( Starlight )

"Are you ready, Tina?" Rin asked.

"I was born ready" - smiled the girl from America - "Although I would like to fight alone to be able to show what I am made of"

"Safe?" Rin asked seriously.

"Of course" - agreed Tina - "But if you get me in trouble, I hope you give me support"

"That's what teammates are for"- Rin nodded as she invoked her [Shenglong's] IS.

"It is time to shine!" Tina exclaimed as she summoned her IS, a beautiful white armor with light navy details, accompanied by a sapphire visor. The distribution of the armor was quite peculiar because far from showing a forceful appearance, it was quite light, as if it were a small armor that was adapted to her prominent body.

* * * * *

"Hmm... an IS specialized in speed" - Cloud said while looking with more curiosity at the girl from America - "And from what I see, she decided to abandon all kinds of defense to enhance this characteristic to its maximum potential... a daring decision but with sense"

Speed ​​was one of the greatest strengths in the world, after all, with enough speed one could end a battle in a matter of seconds, as long as they had an attack source capable enough to pierce through their opponent's armor.

"What kind of weapons do you think he has?" Houki asked curiously.

"From his combat style, I have two possible deductions" - the blond answered calmly - "First, energy daggers to take advantage of her speed and land a lethal blow. Second, short-range pistols to be able to deal massive damage"

"An interesting deduction" - said Tatenashi as she appeared behind the two combat partners - "By the way, the first one is the correct answer"

"I see..." - Cloud agreed as he watched as the girl summoned a pair of purple energy daggers.

"Do you know what that IS is called?" The blond asked curiously.

"[Starlight]" - replied Tatenashi - "It fits like a glove, after all, it is an IS designed to be able to move as fast as possible"

"Do you know anything about Tina-san?" - Houki asked curious about the girl who had decided to take such a dangerous path.

"Her name is Tina Hamilton, representative of the United States and descendant of UK F1 racing driver Lewis Hamilton, so you could say speed is in her blood."

"Interesting..." - Cloud said as he looked even more curiously at the girl - "I wonder how fast she can be"

"I also have the same curiosity"-said Tatenashi seriously as she looked at the girl as she accelerated easily, to the point of starting to leave afterimages-"Not bad"

"I think the same" -Cloud agreed- "Her speed is admirable and from what I see, she still doesn't show everything she has"

Tina was quickly moving back and forth as she hit the weakest points of her opponents' Shields, it was as if she was dancing as she fought.

"By the way... she also practices Ballet and adapted it to her way of fighting"-said Tatenashi as he watched as Tina raised one of her legs and a new blade came out of it at the point of her "boots". she.

"Question…" Cloud said calmly, "Can she use her [Unique Ability of hers] on her?"

"I wouldn't know the answer to that question since Hamilton-san has never recorded her skin"-Tatenashi answered seriously-"Although I have a feeling so"

"Hmm..."-the boy's gaze changed when he noticed that Tina seemed to be moving faster and faster as the seconds passed-"I see..."

"Is she that much faster?" Houki asked in surprise. During her training, she learned to enhance her senses by concentrating hard enough, that's why she had also noticed the little change in the girl from America.

"Now that you mention it…" Tatenashi said seriously, although she had to admit that she was surprised that Houki could detect the change much earlier than her, since as a pilot, she had much more experience.

"Acceleration" -Cloud said with surprise and emotion- "If my deduction is correct, Tina-san can increase her speed indefinitely as long as she doesn't take damage, making her attacks more and more lethal... a very interesting ability, although it is obvious her weakness"

"Interesting deduction..."- Tatenashi nodded as she watched the girl and noticed that she had increased her speed again- "And from what I see, she is not far from reality"

"I wonder if she really has no limit...and if she fast can she get?" - Cloud murmured with emotion. He could feel his blood boil at the thought that the girl could give him a good fight if she gave him enough time.

"I think she's already bored of showing her power"-Houki said because she noticed how the girls' shield began to fade when receiving Tina's fast and precise attacks.

[Match ended... Winners, Tina Hamilton and Huang Ling Yin]

"It was much more exciting than I thought it would be"-Cloud said calmly as he watched with a big smile as Tina deactivated her IS and walked to her partner, but not before looking at Cloud one last time.

"I guess now she'll just go downhill until one of the boys' teams fights" Houki muttered seriously as he watched as Tina gave her partner a hug.

* * * * *

"Didn't you show off too much, Tina?" - asked Rin seriously - "I feel like you showed more than necessary"

"I'm aware of that..." - Tina replied as she let go of her new friend - "But with this, I will not only create a new mental pressure against our opponents, but I will be able to gain Cloud Strife's attention... and therefore I see, it worked"

Rin noticed that Cloud was looking in her direction with a big, wild grin, "But I feel like not in the way you wanted."

"Details..." - the girl from America snorted as she looked at her friend - "I know people with a character similar to that of Cloud Strife and the only way for them to take you into account is for you to show them that you are good enough." strong enough to get your attention"

Tina could only remember her old friend Iris Calling, the most hard-headed and proud girl she knew, to the point that she didn't talk to anyone who wasn't strong enough to earn her respect.

"Sounds like someone who is easy to understand" - Rin said with a smile.

* * * * *

"I guess that shows that my assumption regarding Tina Hamilton was correct" -said Laura seriously- "Although I am surprised that her speed is so high, much more that she increases gradually"

"Do you think you can win against her?" Charlotte asked as she looked at her teammate.

"I can do it... the problem is that it is possible that she will make time to be able to increase her speed to the point that my left eye cannot follow her movements unless I use it to her full potential"- said Laura as she frowned. She honestly didn't want to re-activate her [Odin's] to her full capacity because it might make her 'second personality' come out again.

"For now let's focus on preventing her from increasing her speed" - Charlotte said seriously - "We have two options... one, to quickly defeat Rin-san but in the process Tina-san's speed can increase to a point that is hard to handle... and the second option is to focus on Tina-san... but in the process we would be exposed to an attack from Rin-san..."

"We have another option" - Laura said seriously - "I will use my Inertial Disruptor to be able to stop Tina Hamilton for as long as possible while you deal with Huang Ling Yin... when she is defeated, we will end the battle with ease"

"Ok" - Charlotte nodded seriously.

* * * * *

"Tina-san is strong..."-Ichika said seriously-"She is much faster than me when she used her shield energy to speed up..."

"This is troublesome..." Cecilia said as she frowned. Tina was the worst enemy a long-distance fighter like her could face, unless you count Laura with her Inertial Disruptor that could block all her bullets- "What do you think we can do?"

"I don't know…" Ichika sighed as he frowned. He honestly didn't know how to react to this situation because it was the first time he faced an IS specialized completely in speed- "But I think we'll think about it while we fight"

"It's the best option we have at the moment"- Cecilia sighed as she looked at the girl from the United States- "Let's see her next battle so we can think of a new plan of action"

"Ok"-Ichika nodded as he looked at his childhood friend, who was smiling at him. He clenched his fist firmly as he began to relax because there was no use in being tense.

* * * * *

The battles continued to progress normally and were getting closer and closer, although this was due to the fact that the participants had balanced skills.

"I have to admit that it's entertaining to see the effort of others..." - Cloud said calmly - "Maybe I should become a teacher?"

Houki blushed at the thought of the image of her blonde lover in a business suit and black glasses as she taught him a myriad of things.

"Hmm... I feel like someone is having some interesting fantasies~" - Tatenashi said as Houki blushed even more - "N-N-Not true!"

"Ara~Ara~" - the student council president just gave the girl a small smile.

[1] In the novel they do not specify what type of IS Tina Hamilton uses, in fact, they only say that she is a US Representative cadet, and as such, she has to have a personalized IS, that is why I decided to give her a specialty, a which I honestly haven't seen much explored in Infinite Stratos.



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