Chapter-119 ( Battle Royal - Finale )

Houki quickly moved to the side at high speed and countered with her [Amatsuki] - "You let her emotions cloud your judgment"

"Kyaaaaaaaaa!" - What happened next was to see how Rin fell at full speed to the ground after receiving Houki's attack.

[Participant Ling Yin, have been knocked out]

Those present could not believe how a girl who had not had such a presence, she had managed to defeat so many enemies.

"It's just us, Charlotte-san"-said Houki as he looked firmly at the girl from France.

". . ." -Charlotte only answered her with silence but she was surprised to notice how her enemy was breathing irregularly-"I see that you are still not used to prolonged battles..."

"Yes... the mental exhaustion is massive..." - Houki sighed as he shook his head - "I feel like I'm about to reach my limit..."

"Then let's finish this with a single attack"-Charlotte said as she looked seriously at her friend and her rival in love with her. She quickly summoned a large energy cannon as she watched as Houki's body tensed slightly, "Come on, Houki-san!"

* * * * *

"Ha ha ha!" Tina was elated to finally find a person who could match her in speed as she fought with everything she had against the blond boy of unknown nationality.

Cloud only responded with a smile as his sword collided with the girl's daggers, who could only recoil as she felt the difference in physical strength.

"You're a monster…" Tina said as she looked at the boy.

"Thanks for the compliment, I guess"-Cloud responded with emotion as his sword began to shine with a blue aura, showing a beautiful image. The white flames that surrounded [Amidamaru], were now being covered by a blue aura - "It's my first time trying this, so I recommend you to be attentive... [Sword Aura]..."

Cloud quickly disappeared from his location and reappeared in front of the girl, who sensed great danger approaching. Tina stepped back without even thinking twice, only to hear a huge explosion and notice how the ground of the place she had been before, now she had a large scar that reached to the underground facilities-"..."

"Ok, I didn't think it would cause so much damage"-muttered the blond as he shook his head-"I guess now you'll have to be a lot more careful"

". . ." -Tina quickly looked at her IS situation, only to notice how her Energy had dropped to 70%- "I lost 20% shield with an attack that didn't even hit me?!"

Cloud tilted his head in confusion but quickly ignored the situation and concentrated on the battle - "I think we'd better continue..."

He again began to accumulate the white aura on his sword and flew in the direction of the girl, who could only grit her teeth as she gave him a steady look. She wouldn't back down, it wasn't her style, so she flew against her opponent to enjoy a good fight.

Cloud smiled when he saw this because it was obvious that the girl was not a coward, this made her respect for her grow.

"He has!" -exclaimed the girl from the United States as her daggers hit Cloud's white aura, only to hear with surprise how they began to break- "Huh?"

"My [Amidamaru] is covered in two layers of energy" - Cloud said calmly - "One being much 'sharp' than the other"

"This got a lot more complicated…" Tina muttered as she shook her head as her daggers turned to shards, "It's never happened to me before, even when I was fighting Iris…"

"I'm sorry about your daggers but we're in a battle"-Cloud said as he appeared in front of the girl, who was barely able to dodge the attack.

"You should be nicer to a lady, Cloud Strife" - Tina said with annoyance.

"I'm sorry... on the battlefield, there is no difference in sex" - answered the blonde while shaking his head - "Anyway, I guess it's time we finished this. It was a pleasure fighting with you, the battle was exciting"

"Thanks I guess, but I'm not done yet" - replied the girl from America as I summoned a new weapon, a one-handed sword.

"Do you want to have a sword fight?" - asked Cloud with amusement - "Ok... I'm going to give you the pleasure"

Tina just smiled as her sword vibrated just like her IS did. She quickly charged at her opponent, who blocked the attack with ease, only to notice something strange-"..."

"This is my Special Armament [Starfall], it has the ability to absorb and release kinetic energy"-said Tina as her smile grew-"It's a concept similar to my [Light Speed]"

"Then let's see if it's able to absorb mana too"-muttered Cloud as he focused even more energy on his weapon.

"!" -Tina opened her eyes in surprise because she noticed how the hilt of her sword was vibrating uncontrollably-"How?"

Cloud didn't reply, he just activated [Amidamaru's] special ability, [Harusame], performing a vertical slash.

"Kya!" Tina quickly stepped back as she saw that the vibration was so great that it was hurting her hands.

"I'm sorry, Tina-san... but I think we've already fought too much"-Cloud said as he looked at the girl calmly. Slowly, he changed his stance and 'put her sword back in her sheath', becoming completely calm.

Tina's heart began to pound as she realized how unnaturally calm he was, knowing that they had just been fighting fiercely.

Cloud slowly closed his eyes, completely disengaging himself from the area.

Tina looked at him seriously now that she had finally calmed down but still she didn't make a move.

". . ." - a silence invaded the place but everything changed when a new announcement was heardm

[Participant Charlotte, you are out for the count]

[Participant Houki, you are out for the count]

"Hey?" Tina couldn't believe what she had heard so she looked away, only to see Charlotte lying on the ground looking regretfully up at the sky while Houki had an expression of utter exhaustion.

"This leaves me with a great weight on my shoulders"-Tina said as she sighed with regret but her expression changed when she noticed the boy who kept his eyes closed-"..."

The spectators fell silent as they watched expectantly at what would happen next.

Slowly, the girl approached the blond who was still static.

"All or nothing..." the girl from America muttered as she started to accelerate against the boy-"ALL OR NOTHING!"

But when she was a safe distance away, she was surprised when Cloud's eyes widened- "[Harusame: Battojutsu]!"

"!" - Tina quickly tried to back away, only to notice how the blonde's sword was already in front of her - "Oh my god... KYA!"

Tina could only see how her Shield came down at great speed as she went flying against the barrier that covered the Arena-"Ack"

Cloud slowly looked up and was surprised at how quickly he had moved.

[Participant Tina is down for the count, Winners, Team Shinonono Houki and Cloud Strife]

The spectators began to shout with excitement when they saw how the battle had ended. They did not believe such a firm way to conclude.

* * * * *

"Battojutsu..." - Chifuyu muttered in surprise - "I never thought to see such an ancient art in someone so young... not to mention that there aren't many people who know about those techniques..."

Maya for her part, was excited because the boy had won the match.

"I feel a bit of favoritism in the environment"-said Tabane as she looked at Maya who blushed at her words.

"I don't think you have the right to talk about it when you remember your way with Houki" - Chifuyu said seriously.

"Right..." -admitted the inventor-"Well, I'd better go see Houki-chan, I'm sure she must be exhausted from such a hard battle"

"Give her my congratulations" - agreed Chifuyu. As much as she didn't like that her younger brother was defeated, it didn't change the fact that Houki had put up a spectacular battle, one that should be congratulated by others. She proved that she had the sufficient means and the necessary talent to be able to pilot [Akatsubaki].

"Ok ~" Tabane smiled as she disappeared.

"So…when are we going to the island?" Maya asked as she looked at her best friend, "I have to buy a new bathing suit because the old one is too small for me..."

Chifuyu looked at the huge breasts of the woman for a few seconds, who blushed because of the embarrassment she felt- "We will go in two weeks, more than enough time for the participants to analyze their fights and improve"

"Ok" - Maya nodded seriously - I guess I'll go buy the bathing suit later"

"Will you ask your boyfriend?" - Chifuyu asked with a slight joking tone

"That's right" - Maya agreed calmly.

"Ho~? I didn't think you were serious" - said the black-haired teacher.

"You make it sound like she's a slut who sleeps with anyone"-snorted the green-haired woman with clear irritation.

"I'm sorry... I never thought you would be so delighted"-Chifuyu said with surprise, only to be even more surprised because she noticed the massive blush her friend had-"Anything I need to know?"

"W-Well..."-Maya shifted uncomfortably at the serious look on her friend's face, so she began to tell her what had happened yesterday.


guys support me on p@treon and read upto 128 chapters of Source and read 4 Chapters ahead of Marvel X DC Fanfic