Chapter - 124 ( Bathing Suits - III )

"It's my turn!" Rin exclaimed as she walked out in a yellow one piece swimsuit.

". . ." - For his part, Cloud only responded neutrally.

"Ok... that look hurts me..." Rin murmured as she felt a black cloud settle over her head.

"With all due respect, I have no interest in you, Rin-san" - Cloud said calmly.

"Ugh…" Rin could feel the tears starting to accumulate on her cheeks but she was surprised when she heard the blonde's next words.

"That's why far from trying to surprise me, you should see my friend here present"-Cloud continued as he pointed at Ichika, who was red-faced. He had to admit that Rin looked good in that swimsuit which far from showing her as a girl, made her look more lively.

"Y-You look good"-Ichika said as he looked away.

"T-Thank you…" Rin muttered as she tilted her head because she didn't want her childhood friend to see her reaction.

"Why don't they just start a relationship once and for all?" Cloud asked as he watched with amusement as the two boys seemed to be releasing steam from their heads.

"C-Cloud-kun…" Maya said as she poked her head out from the dressing room curtains, "I-I need a little help…"

Cloud walked without thinking twice as he left his two friends red-faced-"What do you need, Maya-san?"

"Y-You see... I-I can't put the p-top on..." - Maya mumbled with a red face.

". . ." Cloud gave her a blank look because he honestly didn't expect that answer.

"D-Don't look at me like that!" - Maya exclaimed with embarrassment - "I-It's not my fault that the largest size in the store, I don't fit..."

"Wow…" Cloud had to admit that Maya's breasts were big, but he never thought that he would have this problem.

"I-That's why I want you to help me"-Maya said as her face turned redder and redder.

"Ok"-nodded the blonde as he entered the dressing room, noticing that the woman was with her enormous breasts in the air-"?"

"W-Well... you've already seen them, you've even done more than see them... so I don't feel like it's necessary to hide..." Maya said normally, although her cheeks were still a little red.

Cloud shrugged as he nodded. Carefully, he got behind the woman and helped her adjust her bathing suit.

"Hmm ~"-Maya let out a small moan as she felt the boy's hands rubbing her breasts but she quickly calmed down-"I-I'm sorry..."

"Don't worry"-Cloud said as he backed away, taking a close look at how she was wearing a beautiful green bikini.

"H-How do I look?" the green-haired woman asked as she gave him a tender look.

". . ." Cloud was silent as his thoughts were thrown into disarray. He had to admit that now that she was his girl, his every move and action was potentially tender or erotic.

"C-Cloud?" Maya asked in surprise.

"I'm sorry..." - denied the blonde - "I kept thinking about other things"

"Ok..." - nodded the green-haired teacher - "Well?"

"You look good... but you're disqualified" - answered the blonde.

"Huh? Why?!" Maya exclaimed with annoyance.

"Because you have an unfair advantage over the others" - Cloud replied calmly.

". . ." -Maya snorted with annoyance when she heard this but still she nodded- "Ok... but you owe me"

"Where's Cloud?" Houki asked as he looked around.

"In here inside with her"-Cloud said as he left Maya's dressing room-"She asked me to help her with her bathing suit for...reasons that she better explain herself..."

"Etto..."-Maya looked around uncomfortably but still she nodded-"Y-Yes...I asked him to help me because the bigger Swimsuit turned out to be too small..."

". . ." - The girls looked at the huge breasts of the green-haired woman, only to notice that indeed the swimsuit was completely tense to the point that they could tell that the Bikini is barely resisting the power of those huge tits.

"Wonderful move, Maya-chan"-said Tabane as she looked at her friend's breasts-"You incited C-chan to enter your dressing room and thus earn more points"

"He disqualified me..." - Maya replied while Tabane was surprised by the answer - "Oh..."

"Let's continue"-Houki said as she looked at the boy-"Only Chifuyu-san remains and according to Rin-san, Tina-san"

"Is everyone ready yet?" Tina asked as she walked, only to smile as everyone present except Cloud opened their mouths in surprise.

"Y-Y-Y-You!" - Cecilia exclaimed with shame - "Perverted woman!"

"Shameless!" Charlotte exclaimed with a red face.

"Interesting method..." - murmured Laura.

"It's not a bad strategy"-added Tabane as she nodded.

". . ." Houki fell silent as her cheeks flamed.

"What do you think?" Tina asked as she walked off in style. She was wearing a skimpy American flag-style bikini that could barely cover her statuesque body- "Not bad...huh?"

"P-Perverted!" Houki exclaimed when she saw that the girl was moving her body in a sensual way.

Cloud with the part of him, he was shocked because he never expected to see something like this.

"Wow…" Ichika mumbled, only to receive a punch to his side from an annoyed Rin.

"What's up, Cloud Strife? Do you like it?" Tina asked with a big smile.

"I have to admit that Americans are indeed liberal" - the blond boy muttered.

"Does that mean I won?" the girl asked as she looked around.

"For now you are in position one" - answered the boy with sincerity to the annoyance of the others.

"Hehehe~"-Tina gave him a smile, but her expression changed when she noticed the change in the blonde's gaze-"What's wrong?"

"Wow..." - the girls murmured in surprise.

". . ." - Ichika tried to say something, only to open her mouth and go completely silent.

"What's wrong with them?" Tina asked as she turned around, only to notice Chifuyu walking in her direction.

"Is there something wrong with my swimsuit?" the woman asked as she frowned. She was looking around waiting for an answer as she walked stylishly in the direction of the group. She was wearing a black double-strap bikini that contrasted perfectly with her hair and fair skin tone, along with a band on one of her thighs that added a more seductive touch to her appearance-" Say something..."

"Hmm... Chi-chan is much stronger than I thought" Tabane muttered as he shook his head.

"What this feeling?" - Cecilia asked with a slight blush - "I like Cloud-san but I feel that it would not be bad to start a relationship with her..."

"Chifuyu Nee..."-Ichika said not knowing how to react to the image of his older sister in that appearance.

"Ichika? Were you in this place too?" -Chifuyu said with surprise when seeing her younger brother, although after seeing Tina and Rin, she understood the situation.

". . ." - Cloud for his part, did not know how to react to this attack. Chifuyu was beautiful and mature, and there was no one who could contradict that. He was sure that he had managed to get resistance to her appearance because he had endured seeing her when she was with her hormones in the sky, as well as after their training together, but the drastic change had affected him more than he thought-" wow..."

"I guess I won"-said the black-haired woman as she shrugged-"I'll take this one"

Saying that, she went back to the dressing room so she could get dressed properly.

"It's painful to have lost... but after seeing my opponent, I don't feel so bad..." Charlotte muttered as the others nodded.

"So that's the difference in levels…" Laura muttered as her respect for her instructor increased.

"Chifuyu Nee…" Ichika muttered, only to moan in pain as he felt someone pinch his side—"Why do you do that, Rin?!"

"Hmph!" -Rin responded with a snort as she marked Chifuyu as her possible rival.

"That's Orimura Sensei for you"-Tina said as she shook her head. She was sure that she would win but Chifuyu's surprise attack took the victory- "Second place doesn't sound so bad... well... what was the prize?"

"Sleep in the room you wanted... although it started out being who of us would sleep in Cloud's room" - answered Laura.

"Did I miss that chance?!" Tina exclaimed in surprise as she internally began to curse her luck.

"Although Instructor Orimura said that he didn't want the award and would give it to the second place"-continued the girl from Germany.

"And it is!" Tina exclaimed happily. The sorrow of having lost, she had completely disappeared and now only emotion remained in her eyes.

"By the way, yes I'm going to accept the award"-Chifuyu said as she came out of her dressing room with her teacher outfit-"I'm going to use it to sleep in Maya-san's room"

"Hey?" - The girls were surprised, although they breathed a sigh of relief, well, all except Tina who was devastated to hear those words - "Shiiiiiiiit!"

"Wow... I've never heard so many insults in English" - Cecilia said with surprise - "Oh my..."

". . ." -Charlotte was also surprised by so many rude things that she was hearing the girl from America say.

"That was cruel, Chi-chan"-said Tabane as she let out a laugh-"Hmm... I didn't know that one... I guess I'll write it down for when it's necessary"

Cloud for his part was as if nothing had happened, something told him that things would end that way.

And that was how the day of shopping for Swimsuits ended, tomorrow he would finally have to go to his date with Tatenashi.


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