Chapter - 127 ( Letting Go )

Houki released the blond after a few minutes of an intense kiss, only to show her face red with embarrassment - "I-I'm sorry... I got carried away..."

Houki was about to run away in grief but she was surprised when she felt Cloud grab her and pull her to him- "Huh? Hmph~!"

Only to feel her lips pressing against his again.

Slowly she felt like she was being sent into a dream world as they got closer and closer. Houki never thought that she would receive this kind of response but now that she had finally decided to declare her feelings for her, she was happy that he didn't ignore her or worse, reject her.

Houki slowly closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around the boy's neck as he took her gently around the waist.

After a few minutes, Houki widened her eyes noticing how they weren't kissing anymore, although far from being disappointed, she had a big smile on her face.

". . ." -Houki didn't know what to say after feeling the lips of the boy she liked, so she hugged him while she started to cry with happiness.

Cloud for her part, hugged her back as she motioned for him to go into her room because she would feel bad if someone saw Houki crying because of her.

* * * * *

"I'm sorry…" Houki said as she hugged the boy lovingly.

"Don't worry, Houki... you haven't done anything wrong"-Cloud said as he smiled. He had to admit that the words that the girl had said to him, had reached his heart, after all, she had suffered too much for him and it was obvious by the emotions that she showed that she was not lying.

"Cloud..." - murmured the girl.

The boy responded with an even tighter hug as she snuggled in with a smile.

"I guess that's my answer"-Houki said as she looked up and kissed the boy again. She was annoyed that the boy had a girlfriend (Charlotte) and that he had sex with Maya, but she was happy that they were finally together as she had dreamed of for years, after all, polygamy was something common in their society, the only thing What she was worried about was that she couldn't be with her lover.

With a quick movement, she pushed the boy towards her bed while she looked at him with a big smile. This was so difficult because the rooms were small. being the entrance, a small corridor, the area where the beds for two people were and the entrance to the bathroom.

Cloud was surprised because he never thought that she would act this way, especially when he noticed the sexy smile that the girl had-"Houki?"

"I-I'm sorry..." the girl murmured with a big blush, although far from backing down, she sat on her legs now that he was stretched out on the bed- "But... I'm not going to lose. .."

". . ." -Cloud was silent as he carefully observed how she was using her perseverance.

"Cloud..."-Houki said as she kissed him again.

"Houki... you don't have to force yourself so much to move forward"-Cloud said as he looked at the girl.

"I know... but this is what I want"-replied the girl as she continued kissing the boy while she felt how his body began to warm up little by little.

"Houki, I think it's time we leave things here" - Cloud said seriously as he felt how the girl's gaze began to cloud.

"Oh…"-Houki blushed when she heard the boy's words because she had to admit that she was starting to get aroused-"S-Sorry!"

"Easy"-the blonde smiled as he stroked the girl's head, who sincerely seemed to be a cat because she was purring in happiness-"This is a bit addictive"

"I-I think the same... Ahem!" -Houki quickly coughed to change the subject because he noticed that he had said something embarrassing- "I-I guess it's time for me to go back to my room"

"Or you can stay if you want" - Cloud said calmly - "I have a second bed in the room"

"Oh... that's what you mean..." - the girl murmured with disappointment - "Ok, I'll accept your proposal"

* * * * *

"I'm sorry to tell you, that you are clearly developing feelings for Cloud Strife, Tatenashi-sama"-said Utsuho as she looked at her leader.

". . ." - Tatenashi frowned when she heard this because if she affirmed her friend's words, it would mean that she would have lost the bet and technically it would not be bad since she was in love with the boy, although at the same time she felt annoyed by the situation because she he liked to be in control or at least fully aware of his situation.

"Tatenashi-sama?" -asked the vice president with surprise when noticing the serious expression of her teacher.

"I'm sorry, Utsuho" - replied the blue-haired girl - "I was just thinking carefully..."

". . ." Utsuho was silent as she nodded.

"We better rest, tomorrow we have many things to do"-sighed the red-eyed girl while she sighed with regret. She would think about things tomorrow when she is calmer because right now she was still excited about the date she had with Cloud.

* * * * *

It had been 3 hours since Houki received the positive response to her confession and the two young men were resting on their beds.

"Cloud?" Houki asked as she looked at the blond curiously but the boy didn't reply, "Are you awake?"

". . ." -Cloud kept silent while the girl got up from her bed and slowly walked towards where the boy was.

". . ." Houki glanced at him and noted how calm he looked as he slept. A small smile appeared on her face as she looked at her new boyfriend happily, "I still can't believe we're finally together..."

She had waited so long that she found it impossible to accept the situation.

"I wonder what's in store for us"-muttered the girl as she caressed the boy's cheek lovingly-"I can't wait to see our future..."

Slowly, she gathered her courage and with a slight blush, she got into the boy's bed and hugged him.

"I didn't expect this"-Cloud said as he slowly opened his eyes, only to notice how Houki's face was red-"Hello"

"Were you awake this whole time?!" Houki exclaimed as her.cheeks were as red as apples.

"No... I woke up when you caressed my cheek" - the blonde replied as he watched as the girl got ready to get out of her bed, only to grab her wrist- "I never said I wouldn't let you sleep next to me "

Houki nodded weakly as a big smile spread across her face.

Without thinking twice, she hugged the blonde tightly as she felt the hardness of his muscles. For her part, Cloud had to admit that Houki was a combination of firmness and softness. His arms, legs, and abdomen were firm from training, but his generous chest was seductively soft.

"Good night"-Cloud said as she pushed her thoughts aside.

"Good night, Cloud"-Houki answered while she hugged the boy with all her strength because she felt that if he let go of him, everything would vanish as if it were a dream.

* * * * *

The night passed quickly and the sun was beginning to rise.

"Hmm…" Houki was slowly opening her eyes as she sighed regretfully because the dream she had had was so wonderful that she didn't want to wake up.

"Good morning, Houki"-the girl was surprised to hear a voice she knew so she opened her eyes wide, noticing that Cloud was in front of her in the same bed-"Awawawawa~!"

"Hmm… I think it broke…" the blonde muttered as he watched as the girl began to release steam from her head.

* * * * *

"It wasn't a dream…" Houki muttered as her cheeks burned from showing such an embarrassing appearance.

"Did you think it was a dream?" Cloud asked as a small smile appeared on his face.

"D-Don't tease, Baka!" Houki exclaimed with embarrassment.

"Hahaha~!"-Cloud couldn't contain himself anymore so he let out a big laugh while the girl puffed out her cheeks because of the irritation she felt-"I'm sorry... it's just that you look so cute"

"L-Cute?!" Houki exclaimed with a big blush as she covered her face with the sheet.

Cloud let out another laugh as the girl gave him occasional glances as she poked her head out of the covers.

"Ok, let's leave this for now" - Cloud said calmly - "We have to go to class"

"Hmm…" the girl nodded as she stood up, noticing that she was only wearing underwear because she didn't want to dirty her school uniform-"!"

"What's going on?" Cloud asked as he watched the girl blush even more.

"N-It's nothing…" the girl exclaimed as she shook her head. She was starting to get embarrassed with each passing second, though this was because she hadn't been aware of this before because she had let the thrill of finally fulfilling one of her fantasies.

"Do you want me to go to the bathroom so you can get dressed in peace?" Cloud asked calmly.

"No... it's not necessary"-replied the girl as she shook her head. She was starting to calm down and remember that he had already seen her skin with the events of the swimsuit purchase-"I'm better now, thanks"


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