Chapter - 129 ( The Island - I )

The days continued to advance and the day of the trip had finally arrived. The students were on the plane talking to each other while Houki and Charlotte sat on either side of the blonde with their heads resting on his shoulders, much to the annoyance of the other girls.

Ichika was chatting with Rin while the others excitedly looked around.

[Please fasten your seatbelts, we are about to reach our destination]

[Please fasten your seat belts]

The girls widened their eyes when they heard this and quickly followed the pilot's instructions.

* * * * *

"Wow..." - the girls exclaimed excitedly as they looked around.

"Let's continue, after finding your rooms you can explore the place" - Chifuyu said while the others nodded firmly.

The group continued their march towards the hotel, not noticing that one of the Stewardesses was looking at them coldly.

"Squall…it's me…" the Stewardess said as she pulled out a comlink.

Autumn... darling... how's your mission going?'

"So far nothing out of the ordinary, although I had to make sure to get close to the section where they were" -answered the brown-haired woman while narrowing her eyes- "Something told me that I would have a bad time if she approached me"

'It's good to trust your instincts, Autumn... they can save your life more than you think'

"Anyway, I'm going to place the transmitter in the assigned place and I'm going to leave..." Autumn answered as she frowned "If I stay for a long time, my presence may be discovered."

'OK good luck'

". . ." Autumn slowly walked in the opposite direction of the Academy group as a small smile appeared on her face. She wouldn't lie, she was looking forward to seeing the chaos she would cause with her little distraction.

* * * * *

Time continued and the groups had already split up to explore the area.

Cloud and the others were walking through the village while Ichika and Rin were in the greenhouses.

"I have to admit it's a beautiful place"-said Cecilia as she looked around. The tropical trees were in perfect harmony with the buildings of the city, as if the homes and shops had been built in the middle of the forest.

"I am more fascinated by the fact that they are classical constructions"-said Laura while she took some photos that Clarissa had requested.

"The hotel was the same too"- Tina agreed as she looked at the place with emotion. It was the first time that she was able to appreciate Japanese culture firsthand.

For their part, Cloud, Houki and Charlotte were a few meters ahead in a sweet shop.

"I've never tasted anything like this"-Charlotte said excitedly as she felt the mixture of flavors in her mouth-"These traditional sweets are fantastic"

"Thank you, miss" - smiled the owner, an older woman - "It's good to hear that you liked my creations"

"What is the name of this candy?" The blonde girl asked as she took the candy.

"It's called Ichigo Daifuku, it's made of mochi with a strawberry filling" - the woman smiled - "Normally we would eat it in Spring where Strawberries are more common, but since we get shipments throughout the year, we decided it would be a waste not to continue with its production

"I see..." Charlotte nodded as she ate another Daifuku- "Delicious~!"

"Impressive..." - murmured Houki - "This Dango is delicious"

"Thank you very much, miss"-the old lady smiled, but she quickly looked at the boy-"Are you going to want something, young man?"

"I want something simple... a chocolate Dorayaki" - Cloud replied as the old lady nodded. It was not the first time that someone ordered something like a Dorayaki instead of something more ostentatious.

* * * * *

"He shouldn't be here, but with Houki-chan..." - Tabane said with annoyance - "That blonde beast could be doing anything to her right now"

"Better control your jealousy, Tabane" Chifuyu sighed as he shook his head.

"You don't understand, Chi-chan!" Taban exclaimed.

"Your little sister is growing up, Tabane" - Chifuyu said calmly - "That's why you have to understand that this could happen at any moment"

". . ." Tabane sighed as she shook her head, "I know it would happen but I never thought it would be so soon...she's only 14, almost 15."

"Tabane... that's the age where a girl explores this kind of thing" - the black-haired teacher sighed - "You should know"

"I know... I read about this" - answered the inventor. She had never cared about this kind of thing, so all the information she had received had been through what she had read on the Internet or in books.

"Now that I think about it... the one with the most experience of the three is Maya"-Chifuyu said as she looked at the aforementioned green-haired woman.

"Hey?" -Maya could only respond in that way, although after thinking about it for a bit she discovered that her friend was right. Ironically, she was the one with the most experience and her two friends were more popular than her-"I-I guess..."

"And how does it feel?" Tabane asked as she looked at the green-haired teacher.

"Now that you ask that question, I'm a bit curious too" - added Chifuyu.

"W-Well…it hurt at first…" - Maya mumbled sheepishly - "B-But after a while it started to feel good…although things got a lot better the second time we had sex, then that I recovered from the discomfort in my privacy"

"I see..." - agreed the two women.

"According to what I read, the level of pain depends on the person"-said Tabane while she began to think-"There are women who feel almost no pain and begin to enjoy it from minute 1"

". . ." - The other tourists could only look at the 3 women in silence and how they were talking about such an intimate topic outdoors.

"I-I think we better change the subject because this is embarrassing" - Maya said with red cheeks.

"Hmm... I guess you're right... I'll ask you other things later" - agreed the inventor.

* * * * *

"The flowers were beautiful...don't you think so?" Rin said with a smile.

"Huh? Oh yeah!" - Ichika exclaimed when processing the question.

"What's wrong, Ichika?" Rin asked in surprise.

"W-Well...I was just thinking about other things"-replied the boy while he scratched his cheek-"Anyway...where do you want to go now?"

"Hmm… I don't think we have time to go the other way…" the girl from China replied as she checked her watch, "There are only a few minutes left until we have to meet up with the others"

"Y-We can always come later" - Ichika said with embarrassment.

"Ichika Orimura... are you asking me out on a date?" Rin asked in surprise, though quickly her emotion changed to happiness.

"I-I wouldn't call it a date… but if you want…" the boy muttered as Rin hugged him firmly.

"Of course I would!" Rin exclaimed as he hugged his childhood friend with excitement.

"I-I guess we have a… date…" Ichika muttered as he blushed even more from feeling how Rin took his hand with a big smile on his face-"It doesn't feel too bad… "

"Did you say something, Ichika?" The girl asked as she looked curiously at the boy because she felt that he had said something.

"'s nothing"-Ichika replied as she tried to calm down.

"Oh... Ok" - Rin nodded as the two walked back to the hotel so they could change into their bathing suits.

* * * * *

"I guess it's time for us to go back to the hotel" - Cloud said as the others nodded - "By the way... where's Tina-san?"

"Here~!" -exclaimed the girl from the United States as she came running to where the others were with a small tray- "Do you want?"

"What's that?" Cecilia asked curiously.

"From the aroma I can deduce that she has an octopus…" Laura answered as she looked at the small sphere.

"It's called Takoyaki"-Houki replied calmly-"And as Laura-san said, she's made with octopus"

"I think it's over...I feel like I've eaten more than enough for now"-Charlotte said as she shook her head. She had eaten a lot of sweets and she felt that if she continued like this, she would start to get fat.

"More for me"- answered tina while she shrugged her shoulders

"I'll accept one..." - Laura said calmly - "Clarissa told me to enjoy Japanese culture as much as possible"

"Alright! Now say Ah~!" -Tina said as she punctured one of the spheres and gave it to Laura, who didn't know exactly how to react to this situation-"..."

"Hmm... I think you better hurry up because we don't have much time left for the meeting"-Charlotte said as she looked at her roommate.

"Come on, Laura-chan~! Say ah~!" Tina said again as the girl from Germany sighed regretfully and followed her instructions.

"How are you, Laura-san?" Cecilia asked as she looked at her new friend.

"It's not bad at all..." - agreed the silver-haired girl - "I guess I'll come and buy more later"

"I think I'll give him a chance and come with you"-Charlotte said as she smiled at her roommate.

"Can I join?" Cecilia asked.

"Of course" - agreed the Representatives of Germany and France.

"And me?" Tina asked.

"You're the one who knows where to buy Takoyaki" - answered Laura - "Besides, so I can thank you for sharing your food"

"You don't have to" - replied the girl from the United States - "A simple thank you is more than enough"

"Girls... we're running out of time" - Houki said as the others remembered that they should be running right now.


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