Chapter - 139 [ Silver Gospel ]

Another day had arrived on the Island, being the last day that Class 1-A would be in the place.

Cloud and Chifuyu had ended their date in a good way, giving each other one last kiss to test the waters.

* * * * *

Cloud slowly opened his eyes as he surveyed his surroundings, only to notice how Houki and Charlotte were next to him- "I still don't understand how they can get so close without waking me up... it's probably because I have my guard down around them." "

"Hmm ~"-the girls slowly opened their eyes because they felt her boyfriend start to move-"What time is it?"

"It's 10 in the morning" - Cloud answered while the girls looked at him with annoyance - "So early?"

"Keep sleeping, I'm going to go out and train a bit until we're called to meet" - Cloud said calmly as the girls nodded and went back to sleep.

Cloud gave them a blank look because it seemed like now that they were in a solid relationship, they didn't mind spending time with him as much anymore.

* * * * *

"You still don't tell me how it went with Cloud-kun"-Maya said as she looked at her friend.

"I'm also curious...what does it feel like to go on a date?" - Asked Tabane, who was sharing a room with the green-haired teacher to prevent problems.

"I have to admit that it was fun, especially the part where we danced tango" - Chifuyu replied calmly. She was still wearing her night dress because she wasn't going back to her room yet, at least it would give Ichika a chance to air her out so she could get the smell of sex away because she was sure he had done it with Rin after they left the room. of dance.

"Did you dance Tango?" Maya exclaimed jealously. She never thought that they would do something like that and if she was honest, she also wanted to try dancing sometime, although then she remembered that she had two left feet for dancing- "What else happened?"

Chifuyu continued to tell them about her date because she felt there was no need to hide anything. This was due to two reasons, one, there was nothing to hide, and two, the two women were in a relationship (on different levels) with Cloud Strife.

"Hmm... interesting... I have to admit that even I'm jealous of such a perfect date" - Tabane murmured as she shook her head - "Anyway, let's talk about what we'll do this last day on the Island"

"What I have in mind is…" Chifuyu said as she explained the plan to the two women to organize things.

* * * * *

"I expected something more from you, Representatives of the United States"-said a girl who, due to her build, showed that she had about 14 years of black hair. She was wearing an IS slightly similar to Cecilia's in purple and black along with a white suit and helmet that prevented seeing her true appearance-"I still don't understand how it is that you can be called one of the strongest countries in the world "

"D-Damn!" the woman on the ground roared, only to be kicked like she was a stray dog ​​"Ack!"

"Didn't they teach you not to insult the person who has your life in his hands?" the pilot asked as she sneered at the woman.

"L-Laugh while you can...I'm just a cadet"-said the girl as she spit blood-"L-The real representatives...they're much stronger..."

"I hope so... because this fight was boring as hell"-M said as she prepared to land the finishing blow on the woman, only to back away when she felt the air pressure increase-"... "

"I'm not going to let you keep attacking my companions" - said a girl who was piloting a completely silver IS with Two Big Wings that seemed to be deployable.

"So that's [Silver Gospel], the experimental IS developed by the United States and Israel..." - M said seriously - "It's good that you brought it, because that was my goal"

The pilot of [Silver Blows] was silent as her wings shone slightly.

"A solar powered reactor... ability to exceed Mach 2 speed and an AI capable enough to help the pilot react to any situation, not to mention having the ability to pilot the IS in case the Pilot is out of combat and thus take it to a safe area to be able to receive support" - said M with curiosity - "A great exponent, as well as the maximum limit that a Third Generation IS can become"

"How come you know all that classified information?!" - the pilot of the [Silver Gospel] exclaimed.

"Phantom Task can discover many things with all the operatives that are in the different commands of the Nations of the World" - answered M with disdain - "Well, it's time for us to leave the talks and start with the combat, although first of all I would like to know the name of my next victim"

"Remember this name well, Natasha Faris, pilot of [Silver Gospel] and the woman who will defeat you to bring you to justice!" Natasha exclaimed as her Right Wing moved, "[Silver Bell]! Fire!"

A large amount of energy bullets shot out from the [Silver Gospel] Wing as M countered with her own weaponry.

"Not bad..." - murmured the Phantom Task Pilot - "But you'll need more than that to capture me"

M quickly summoned her weaponry, a large energy sword, and charged at Natasha, who backed away at high speed so she could summon an energy spear.

"Your IS has a great level of control over energy... too bad I come prepared"-M said as she summoned a small cube.

"Hey?" -Natasha was surprised to see how her energy weapon began to become erratic-"What did you do?!"

"Disruptor" - M replied neutrally - "Well, let's finish this, I still have some things to do"

"Hey?" - Natasha tried to back away again, but for some strange reason, she couldn't move an inch - "What's going on?!"

"Didn't they tell you? [Silver Gospel] It's lethally susceptible to Energy Disruptors, that's why it's experimental" - M replied neutrally - "But let's leave the talks for another time, now I have to give you a little gift "

"!" -Natasha was surprised to see how M now had a small vial in her hand and from the woman's expression, it was clear that it was not good at all.

"I present you the gift, they are nano machines with the ability to alter the IS system" - said M calmly - "Rewrite the central system while enabling a remote control directly connected to the super computer of Phantom Task"

"S-Stop!" Natasha exclaimed as she watched the woman inject the vial into the core that was in her chest-"Kyaaaaa!"

[Warning! Warning! Unknown substance entering central system! Warning! Warning!]

[Warning! Commands Rewritten, starting self-protection program! Warning!]

"AAAAAH!" -Natasha's cry of pain was heard throughout the facility as she felt as if a large number of needles were being injected into her skin, even her head-"AAAAH!"

[Warning! Pilot in critical condition! Starting Security Command! AI activated, starting auto mode!]

"Natasha!" - roared a woman with blonde hair and green eyes of about 18 years. She had a slim and athletic body, and was wearing a completely red IS. She was Iris Calling, the only permanent United States Representative and Natasha's best friend - "Bastard!"

'M, you've done your job, it's time to go back'

"Leader... I ask permission to fight with Calling"-M said seriously as she blocked the woman's attack.

'Negative, the mission has been completed, so go back to base'

"I can defeat her" - said the Phantom Task pilot.

'That's an order...'

"Ok…" M snorted as she took one last look at Iris and flew out of the place at full speed.

"Don't even think about it! I'm not going to let you get away, bitch!" Iris roared as she ran off chasing the one responsible for her friend's pain but her expression changed from hers when she noticed something strange about her-"Natasha?"

The woman's mask lit up bright red and without even giving a signal, she flew out of the facility to an unknown destination.

"Natasha!" Iris exclaimed when she saw her friend leave her.

'Iris... we have a problem'

"I know, damn it!" - roared the pilot from the United States.

'[Silver Gospel] was infiltrated by an unknown program and we can't contact Natasha...that means one thing'

"She's unconscious"-Iris muttered as she frowned-"Where is she going...tell me so I can go look for her"

'She's heading towards Japan'

"Be more specific!" The girl exclaimed as she frowned.

'From her speed and changes of direction, I can deduce that she is heading for an island 6 hours away from the coast of Japan'

"Something important in that place?" Iris asked as she felt a bad feeling.

'The presence of a class from the IS Academy has been detected in which the Male Pilot, Ichika Orimura is together with 6 Representative cadets, including Tina Hamilton... the presence of Chifuyu Orimura, Tabane Shinonono and Cloud has also been detected Strife'

"Shit!" Iris roared as she flew out of the Facility. If [Silver Gospel] harmed any of the students, especially Ichika Orimura or any of the Representative Cadets, the consequences would be severe for America - "I want you to inform me of the path as quickly as possible!"



Note : This Volume is About to finish... We'll be moving onto next world..


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