Chapter 141 vs [ Silver Gospel ] - I

"How long do we have until they arrive, instructor?" Laura asked neutrally. As a soldier, she only needed instructions from her superior.

Chifuyu glanced at her friend who began to do mental calculations.

"At the speed that [Silent Zephyrs] are moving, I'd say 3 hours" - Tabane said seriously.

"You heard her" -said Chifuyu while she looked at those present "Maya... I want you to go to the other students and evacuate them to the safe hotel room, take advantage of informing them of the situation so that the clients can evacuate"

"Hai!"-Exclaimed the green-haired teacher, although inside she regretted the fact that she couldn't help directly.

"I'm sorry I have to ask you to fight [Silent Zephyrs], especially you, Hamilton"-said Chifuyu as she looked at her students.

"It is our duty as pilots, Orimura sensei" - answered Cecilia while the others nodded.

"Go get ready... Cloud, stay, we have to talk" - Chifuyu said seriously.

The girls looked at each other but still nodded, after all, there was no time for games.

"Cloud... I need you to fight with everything you have"- Chifuyu said as she looked carefully at the boy- "I don't know how much power you have but this battle is important... we can't let civilians and students suffer"

"You don't have to say it twice, Chifuyu-san" - Cloud replied normally - "Now if you need me, I'll get ready"

"Tabane..." - Chifuyu muttered.

"I know what you want to ask, Chi-chan" - said the inventor - "And I can't give you a correct answer because we don't know Cloud's real power level, but if it is equal to yours, then the chances of victory without casualties is of 60%"

"It's more than I thought"-murmured the black-haired woman.

"Don't underestimate yourself, Chi-chan... you're a monster" - Tabane replied with disdain - "Now if you allow me, I'm going to prepare the mobile command center I have"

"It's good to have an ally who is always ready"-Mumbled Chifuyu as she watched as her friend left.

* * * * *

"How long is it, Raiden?" Cloud asked as he watched as the sky began to change color.

[One hour, sir... although I recommend that we best engage hostile forces at a reasonable distance to prevent damage to third parties]

"I was thinking the same thing"-Cloud said as his body was slowly surrounded by his mechanized armor-"Activate the 1W command and [Amidamaru]"

[Activating, sir]

The wing quickly transformed into a cloak as [Amidamaru] materialized into his right hand.

"What are the odds of success?" Cloud asked calmly, as if none of this had anything to do with him.

[We don't have enough information on the enemy forces but I can assure you that it's over 50%... although this percentage decreases considerably if we start considering allied casualties]

"Unlock the Limit Breaker command" - Cloud said seriously.

[You know very well that such an option will not only harm you, but also me, sir.]

"I know... but we have to be prepared in case something goes out of our control" - answered the blond.

[Understood... enabling Limit Breaker command... command can be activated at any time...]

"Thank you, Raiden"-Cloud said as he looked at the sky.

[I still don't understand why those names you gave to the commandos... One Wing (1W), Masamune, Limit Breaker...]

"It's possible that you'll understand if we both survive"-smiled the blonde as his gaze sharpened.

[You are being pessimistic, sir]

"No... I'm being realistic" - Cloud said as he shook his head - "When we don't have enough information, anything can be a variable... and even though I'm strong, I'm still human so I can die with ease"

[I understand…I promise to help you the best I can, sir..]

"I appreciate it"-Cloud said as he smiled slightly but his expression quickly changed to a serious one-"Come on...I'm sure Chifuyu-san must have thought the same as you and he will call us anytime to be able to fight

* * * * *

"Tabane... please contact the guys" - Chifuyu said seriously.

"I knew you would say something like that, so I already did it"-replied the inventor while she reviewed the images that were transmitted directly from one of Japan's satellites.

"I guess I got there on time"-Cloud said as he looked around and noticed that no one else had arrived yet.

"Cloud..."-Chifuyu said as she looked at the boy with conflicting emotions-"I have something to ask you"

"I think I know what it will be" - Cloud said calmly - "You want me to go first so we can get as much attention as possible from our enemies and spend as much force as possible"

"That's right" - agreed Chifuyu. She knew that this mission was dangerous and unfair to the boy in front of her, but this was the best plan of action. While Cloud caused chaos in the enemy ranks, Ichika and the others could destroy everything in their path and little by little ease the blond's situation, but there was a problem in all this and that was that if Cloud couldn't resist until that moment came then it would all be over.

"I understand... I'll leave right away"-Cloud said seriously as he turned around and started walking.

"I'm sorry..." - Chifuyu muttered. She knew that as a leader, she had to make the best possible choice even if she had to sacrifice some things in the process.

"Far from apologizing, you should wish her good luck"-said Tabane as she looked at her friend "

"You're right..." -the teacher agreed as she closed her eyes-"But I'm going to trust, I'm going to trust that everything will be fine"

Tabane didn't say anything else, she was silent as she watched as the girls and Ichika arrived at the place one after another.

* * * * *

"Time for us to make contact" - Cloud said seriously.

[15 minutes, sir...]

"I guess it's time to get crazy"-said the blonde as a wild smile appeared on his face. He had to admit that it felt like when he was in [Highschool of the Dead], fighting horde after hour of zombies, only this time it would be much more difficult to handle because the enemies would not be some simple test dummies with great strength, but some machines controlled by a person of flesh and blood, with their mental faculties.

[Sir... I have detected two biosignals]

"Two?" Cloud asked with surprise because according to the information he had obtained, there should only be one biosignal, that of Natasha Fairs who was unconscious. That meant one thing - "So we have a guest from Phantom Task... can you identify her?"

[Detecting... detecting... image matches 99.9% with the [Arachne] model stolen from the USA years ago]

"The United States has to improve its level of security because they are stealing so many IS" - Cloud said sarcastically - "Let's better leave the talks for another time, our guests have arrived"

"I didn't expect that the acclaimed Subject S would be the first to appear" - said the woman who was wearing a black IS with red and yellow details in the form of a Spider - "And I had planned to see my old friend, Ichika Orimura"

"I guess you were the one in charge of kidnapping him years ago" - Cloud said with bed.

"Ho~? How did you come up with such a quick and yet accurate answer?" the woman asked as she cocked her head.

"You answered it yourself" - smiled the blond.

"Hmm... not bad..." - nodded the woman while [Silver Gospel] was still - "I guess I'm about to confirm if you're as good as they say"

"If you were alone, I'd love to show you what I'm capable of" - Cloud said with a small smile.

"It's not a bad way to get information but there is a small detail that you didn't take into account, Sephiroth" - said the woman coldly - "That I'm a lesbian and already have a partner"

"Right, although I wasn't trying to take you to my bed or anything like that, I was just trying to buy some time for your troops to arrive" - ​​Cloud said as the black I's he had seen before began to arrive one after another - "Just like you were doing"

"Are you arrogant enough to think that you can not only take on [Silver Gospel], but also me, Autumn, and all my automated ISs?" The woman named Autumn asked as she sneered at the boy. "Then you are much more stupid than I thought... as expected of a man... you probably only think with what you have between your legs."

"I can hear a lot of spite and hatred towards my gender..." - Cloud said calmly while ignoring the woman's insults - "Did someone play with your feelings and that's why you became a lesbian? Or Is it possible that you went through a tragic moment because of a man?"

"Keep quiet, you little bastard," Autumn said coldly as her helmet shone slightly with malevolence, "Or I swear your end won't be a quick and painless one."

"I think I hit the nail on the head" the blond sneered - "But I think it's enough of trying to mess with you"

The black ISs were already in position, targeting the blond while [Silver Gospel] stayed in place, as if he was waiting for the signal.

"I'm not going to lie, I didn't enjoy talking to you" Autumn said as she ordered her troops to start the attack.


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